Chapter 28 ( Another Transmigrator )

Justin and I practically spent the whole day talking about things. The conference would take place a day before my soldiers are available again, but mom hadn't yet told me what the conference would be about so we spent the day discussing strategies and what we should want to do.

Justin was more interested in exploring the world and I told him that there was a way for both of us to do that safely but I could only tell him after the conference. Justin trusted me so we were mostly catching up as I told him everything I knew about this world.

Before we both knew it, evening came and we went down to eat dinner at the call from Catherine and down there I got a surprise: Erisu Moto.

Justin: "Roy, you see who I'm seeing?"

Roy: "A face I'd never forget from my last lifetime. Is she the one who is fated to be the heroine?"

Dhalia looked over to us.

Dhalia: "Darling, Justin, come join us. This is Erisu, she is the heroine."

Justin and I walked over as Erisu looked over at us.

Erisu: "You're Asian-American? Please to meet you both, you must be Justin-san and Roy-san."

Justin: "Yeah… Did you transmigrate in the middle of a concert? I saw the lightening strike the stage."

Erisu: "Were you at my concert?"

Justin: "Yeah, before I came here by transmigration I was."

Roy: "Yeah, Justin was one of your fans. He was at the concert where you were forced to come here. There might be one or two displaced people sometimes."

It doesn't solve the mystery of why my dad came… but I had to speak to try and resolve this awkward situation.

Dhalia: "You'll have more time to talk with each other as Erisu will be staying with us for the next three days before the conference. Erisu is the heroine as you know already, and she will be introduced and given some subordinates when the time comes."

Subordinates? Sounds like it's going to be important, but Erisu quietly eats her meal. I guess she probably doesn't like being an idol. Though I was also a fan of her music, the fact was that I knew about her horrible contract with the company she was tied too. There were a lot of backwards and shady agencies in Japan, Korea and China. Once they had a money maker they were going to milk them and control their lives.

Erisu: "Roy-san, there are many things I would like to talk with you about tomorrow morning."

Erisu seemed interested in the both of us which had me questioning it all. She was brought here to be the heroine. Well, we were going to talk tomorrow anyway. I saw the other three female adventurers at the table and Justin introduced himself to each of them.

Justin: "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, I'm Justin. Roy and I are now friends and I'm a displaced person."

Justin always tries to act like a suave and cool guy around girls, unfortunately it doesn't work on modern women. It might work on these girls though, I'm not sure.

Arwen: "I'm Arwen."

Edna: "Edna."

Chrissy was in the middle of chewing some food, she swallowed then looked at Justin, me and then Erisu.

Chrissy: "I'm Chrissy, but I just realized that you, Roy and Erisu all have similar facial features."

Dhalia: "If you're curious, Roy's father was a displaced person as well. If my knowledge from his father serves correctly, the three of them should all have come from the same region of their world which is East Asia. In other parts of that world which they call the west people look more similar to the humans on this continent."

Chrissy: "I see, so there are several displaced people. Guild Master, does this mean that the heroines have always been displaced?"

Dhalia: "Yes. Most of the heroines all come from their world's Japan. There are circumstances where individuals get displaced for no reason however, and it's not completely explainable, but every person who was displaced without a purpose has been male like Roy's father. It doesn't happen often, perhaps once every century at the most unless a heroine is coming."

This was information I hadn't known before, but it doesn't answer anything about reincarnation. Dhalia seems to be keeping that close to her chest… her chest with ample blue hills… she is my mom! Argh!

Chrissy: "So have there been displaced individuals who are not from that East Asia Region you speak about?"

Dhalia: "Genetically only people from that region transmigrate for some reason. We never get those who look like the people on this continent."

Justin now kept quiet as he didn't know what to talk about with women from this world. We were from the digital age so we didn't have a lot in common. I could tell that he continued to steal glances at them, but he was also attracted to Dhalia. He didn't have the same situation where I was raised by Xeneva and got used to a higher standard of beauty.

Regardless of that standard, Erisu made me very thirsty. The slender waste and stacked chest, the slim shoulders and light skin along with the straight black hair… she looked exactly the same and if the ages were right she was still sixteen.

Since this is a different world, it's legal right? Adulthood here seems to be age sixteen, but for some reason my mom continued to baby me. Well, my moms aren't human so maybe those races have a different concept and age of adulthood.

Chrissy: "So Justin, you're a displaced person? You came from the same world as Erisu right?"

Justin: "Yes."

Chrissy: "Maybe you should be friends with her then since you came from the same world. There aren't a lot of displaced people in history."

Justin: "Uh sure… but maybe later. I think Roy would probably get along with her more."

Chrissy: "Roy?"

Justin: "He has a thing for the world I came from. I mean, his dad was displaced which is why he looks Asian like us."

There was another awkward silence.

Dhalia (Telepathy): "Darling, I told Erisu about you being a reincarnation and so she knows about Justin as well. She's being a bit quiet because I told her not to tell anyone."

Roy: "Yeah, I miss my dad, but you must be tired Erisu. We should talk a bit more tomorrow."

Erisu:"Thank you Roy-San."

It's how it goes when you'd don't know the last names of someone. You end up using their first names instead of their family names. I always found it funny how Asian novels in western fantasy settings would always use honorifics, I'm glad this place doesn't.

Honorifics would drive me insane. I heard it enough in anime.

The dinner concluded as nothing really important was said. The there adventurer girls were kind of bland, their personalities were similar to each other which is probably why they got along. Justin seemed to like them though.

After dinner we all went to bed, the mansion had many rooms.

Chrissy, Arwen and Edna left the mansion while the sun was setting over the horizon. It was still summer with the extra long days. They talked to each other about what they found today.

Chrissy: "So did any of you notice how Justin, that displaced guy was stealing glances at us?"

Arwen: "Yes. Surprisingly it didn't make me uncomfortable."

Edna sighed.

Edna: "After being a maid and trying to seduce Roy it's nice to know it'd be easy with him. Roy, Erisu and Justin all look like they could be siblings. The resemblance to each other is uncanny."

Arwen: "I've always heard stories of how displaced people always had black hair. Seems like it's true."

Chrissy: "Oh come on, both of you! We completed our mission and we will have enough living expenses to not take jobs from this point on. Taking jobs is only if we want a luxury! Since we know Justin has a liking towards us then we should try and see him often."

Edna: "I don't understand the point of seeing Justin."

Chrissy: "If he is friends with Roy and Erisu who is going to become the next Heroine, just think about it. Erisu might already know us… we should go back tomorrow after we finish the errands assigned to us."