4. Job interview 2...

"Rumors have it that the person we will be working for is a real brute.. She overheard some other interviewees gossiping.. They call him the Demon King.. It is said that he exceptionally hates working with women.. She heard them say..

He can't hate women.., she's a woman. If he hates working with women, then that means she already failed the interview before she even started.. Isla couldn't help but think this way.

"some even say he hates working with women because he's gay... But he also has another nick name.. He's called the Dazzle king.. " I heard people say he actually glows...

These girls can overreact sometimes.., how can someone actually glow.. It's not like he will pour glitters all over himself.. Was what Isla was thinking..

" They say his cousin is also as beautiful as he, but he has a calmer personality.. The cousin is the nice one..

" so which one is doing the interview..? One of the gossip girls asked... The handsome gay brute or the beautiful sweet cousin..

"According to what I've been hearing so far., I think it's both of them...


Number twenty-five.. It was one of the gossip girls turn..

" wish me luck.. She said and ran into the room..

When next time she appeared, her face was pale., the bubbly spirit had diminished to its lowest level..

" What, why are you like this.. How was it... They asked her..

"The two of them were in there.., she managed to speak.. And you could obviously tell they were the ones people have been talking about.. Her face suddenly lights up back... They are extremely beautiful.. In fact beautiful is a serious understatement.. They are out of this world.. They are both Demons.. Vampires maybe.. No human being can look like that.. They just look so damn hot.. One had ebony black hair., and the other who was obviously the Demon king was crowned with golden hair..

"yes he was not nice.., he barely said anything.. All he said was Next.. But I don't care.. GAY or STRAIGHT.. BRUTE or CALM.. I'll give anything to work with these two people.. I can take the cold treatment as long as I get to see that lush golden hair..

The talk about golden hair made her mind drift to the boy in her nightmares who also had golden hair.. She wondered if he still kept his hair all curly..

No.. No.. Isla why would you think of him now.. Get rid of him from your thoughts now... She shook her head vigorously, trying to take away the face of the golden curly hair boy..


Number twenty-seven_ number twenty-seven.. Is the person not here..??

"Hey.., Hey.. A young man sitting next to her tapped her...

" Yes..?? She looked at the man with confused eyes..

"Are you not number twenty-seven?? They've been calling your number and you were not answering.." oh my goodness.. She bolted up from her sit as soon as she realized the situation.. She had been lost in thoughts..

She took a deep breath., she was busy listening to those gossip girls that she had forgotten to call Jerry.. She should have spoken to him before entering this this courtroom.. He would have helped her calm down..

She coughed., and cleared her throat over and over again before finally stepping into the room..

The room was well illuminated., and quite spacious if you asked her.. She always wondered why in movies, interviews were held in a big empty office, with only seats of the interviewers and one seat at the center of the room for the interviewee.. Were they trying to intimidate the person.??

She looked at the two young men sitting in the empty room..

'the one with the black hair'.. She said to herself when she saw him.. 'handsome and nice.. This must be the nice one'.. Then she looked over to the next person.., but all she could see were blinding lights..

They were right he did glow.. At least his golden hair did.. The sun that came through the roof to floor length window made the hair glow even more...

She tried to see his face., but he seemed seriously busy because his head was buried deep into his laptop..

"Good morning.. She said as she took her seat.. She gave the best smile she could, she had to hide that she was extremely nervous.. She was holding back her urge to bite her nails..

" A good morning to you too., introduce yourself to us..the one with the black hair replied.. His voice was even pleasant to the ears.. It calmed her down a bit, and she desperately prayed that the one with his golden head buried in his computer never raises it up until she walks out of there..

" My name is... Isla.., Isla Moore.. as she said her name., she could see the golden head slowly rise above the laptop...

'God please let him not say anything., let him not talk to me.. She prayed earnestly in her heart..

He raised his head but not completely over the laptop.. It was just right enough to see his eyes.. The sun was blinding, more so on him, but she could see those eyes.. Brown with a touch of sun yellow in them.. It was like they carried some kind of hatred in them and that hatred felt like it was channeled to her..

'Does he really hate women so much that he stares at me like that.. Isla wished he would just take his eyes of her.. She wasn't staring at him anymore, but could feel anger and rage looking at her...

"so miss Isla according to your record, Although you did go to a fashion school, you have no prior experience of working in a company... You do know that being a fashion designers assistant does not only mean you'll just cut and sew fabrics right?? His words were simple and calm, and he didn't have a sharp edge to his voice.. She was really grateful for this. If the one questioning her was the brute, she would probably have no fingers left to bite on.. Because his eyes alone were terrifying, she could not imagine what his words will be like..

"Yes sir I understand that.. But if you look further into the resumé I submitted, you will find out that I also took a two year course on business.. So I understand there are other things that would be required of me ., and I assure you sir that I am up to the task ..

Did she stutter., she hoped not.. She hoped she sounded confident enough but not too confident.. No one wants to employ an overconfident assistant..

"okay.. Nicely said.. The nice one said.. He then turned to the one with the golden hair..." you have anything you want to ask her.. But just shook his head in a no..

"Why should we hire you...

" sir because I'm good at what I do.. As per fashion designing, I pour my heart and soul into every piece of clothing I make.. I've worked with a friend for some years making clothes, so I have a lot of experience in that aspect.. And as for the other business pertaining things, though I have never worked in a company before, I'm a fast learner and I can learn the ropes in no time as long as I'm guided and I can assure you that I will be the best at it...

" okay.. I think I like you already.. Am I right?? He looks at the golden head for a response, but got non..

" okay that will be all, you can go.. We'll contact you via email and give you our feedback...

That was it.., just two questions.. That's all no mind wrecking questions.. She stood up majestically and walked out of the room..

Stepping out of the office was like coming out of hell and entering a cool air-conditioned space.. It was unnecessarily hot in there.. Or was it not.. Maybe she was the one that felt that way because she was nervous..

But yet how could she not be, when a certain golden head kept looking at her with those scary eyes.. Like he had a previous problem with her before.. And he didn't raise his head, so she could not see him properly to know maybe she had bumped into him, or probably spilled coffee on him, or caused him harm in any way before that made him stare at her with such apathy..

"How did it go., you blew them away right... Jerry said as soon as he picked up the call..

" I hope so., they just asked two questions Jerry.. Just two.. Doesn't that mean they didn't like me, and just wanted me out of the room as quickly as possible...?

" Just two questions.. That's weird.. But maybe they just didn't need you to say much because you were obviously the right one for the job...

" I don't think so., one of them just kept staring at me.. Like we had a previous beef or something.. His eyes never left my face for one second..

" But that's understandable.., I mean even I can't take my eyes off you. You have that effect on people.. You are beautiful and you know it.. Maybe this guy saw it too..

"oh stop it., I don't have that effect on anyone., and this was more than just a simple ogle..

" listen, don't worry about anything.. I know you gave it your best in there.. Let's just wait for the results okay.. I'm sure they love you already, and are still talking about you in there..

" I hope you're right Jerry..

I really hope you're right...