6. Back In Time ii: The birthday gift...

For days, he pondered on what his mother had told him.

Should he be courageous and walk up to her and tell her how he felt., how was he going to talk to her...

"Hi,". No no no. That sounded too low., he said standing in front of the mirror.

"HI. He said again, this time making his voice sound deeper.. No..no..no..this one sounded too much like Barry White...

" Hi. Why do I now sound like a chipmunk. He said frustratedly, falling back flat on his bed.

"how am I supposed to tell her how I feel if I can't even walk up to her and say a simple 'HI'. God, I'm so stupid.

He tried his exquisite approach over and over again, but no matter what he said or how he said it, it didn't sound right. Everything just sounded so wrong.

The next day at school she passed by him and her luscious brown hair brushed his face., and the sweet sweet fragrance of fresh roses and an extra hint of some fruit, filled his breath, making him feel all tingly inside. Oh, how he'd love to drown himself in that hair, just sink his face into it forever.

But still, he couldn't say a simple Hi. He just watched her like he'd become a statue.

He walked into the classroom, and there was some kind of ruckus going on. Students that were not in their class coming in and out of it., balloons everywhere, gift wraps on the floor, some gifts yet to be opened, girls screaming as they usually do but much louder today. He wondered what was going on,

"out of my way golden head".. Came a voice from behind him just before he was Savagely pushed to the side by a very strong shoulder, causing him to almost hit his head on a desk. Yep, he was the golden head. I bet no one in that class knew his name. If and just if they had to talk to him, they'd call golden head.

At least he wasn't a ghost, was what he thought.

"Isla, you know you are the queen of my heart, I present this to you as a token of my affection. Happy birthday 'Mi Amore. It was Gabe Baxter captain of the soccer team one of the potential boyfriends from his list and the one who just almost broke Damon's head.

"it's her birthday., he had no idea it was that time of the year. Every year when he heard it was her birthday, he'd think of getting her something, but would be too shy to even pick up anything. But what could he give her when someone like Gabe was giving her a hundred roses, and something else neatly wrapped in a bag.

" oh Gabe, you're such a darling. She said elegantly taking the roses and another gift from him.

" Now listen up everyone, she continued talking. Her voice always caused a rumble in his stomach. Since I'm turning eighteen today, it's only right that I celebrate it with a bash. There was screaming everywhere, drums rolling, well, tables actually.

So.. So.. LET ME FINISH TALKING PEOPLE. She yelled when they did not stop their screaming. And then the whole place went quiet.

"Thank you. Now as I was saying, to mark my birthday, I'll be throwing a party at my house. From dusk till dawn. So if you know you love school more than parties, don't come. But if you love partying as much as I do, then any and everyone is invited.

We're going to party hard.

Damon wasn't sure, but he really felt like she was talking to him when she said any and everyone was invited. He felt like she even looked at him when saying it.

She concluded her speech, but they were all just looking at her like waiting for her to say something more, then she added. "Now you can scream". And with that, the whole place went 'WOAH'. There was shouting and screaming and jumping and girls going 'oh what will you wear., what will I wear??..

But the question that Damon kept asking himself was "would it be alright if he went to her party??..

" Would it mom??.. I need your help on this one. Damon ran to his mother as soon as he got back home from school.

"I don't know son., do you want to go??.. Left for me I'll drive you there myself but the decision is left to you.

" Mom, I came to you cause I needed your help in making that decision. He said going up and down her room. "I mean if I do go, what will I gift her. I can't go to her birthday party empty-handed. And I can't come up with a single thing to give to her. Gabe got her something already., he got her a hundred roses and something else which I'm sure is very expensive.

"oooo. A hundred romantic roses, no wonder he is at the top of the list.

" Not helping mom. He looks at her with a serious eye and she mouths a sorry. And I'm sure Henry Sheldon also got her something.. What in the world could I give to her that would beat what these two and many, many others have given her today.

" And who knows.., maybe she already met Bieber.. Whatever he gave her I can't beat that. He said panicking.

"Stop worrying Damon. Alright how about one of your sketches.

" Hmmm?

"I said how about one of your sketches. You know one of those you're always drawing. You have like a hundred of those. Pick one, put it in a frame, and gift it to her.

" those are just stupid sketches that are not worth anything, why would she accept that. I'm sure she has more photos of herself than she can count, she doesn't need my stupid drawings.

" It's not stupid., you took your time and poured in your heart to those drawings., and yes she has a thousand pictures of herself, but I bet non was hand-made. None of them had the affection yours carry."

" you think so mom??

"yes, I do. Now go pick the best one and then buy a frame, you don't have all day.

" I think I know the right one. Thanks, mom. He gives her a hug and a slight kiss on the cheek and dashes off into his room.

Joan couldn't stop smiling, finally, for the first time since kindergarten, her son was going to a birthday party. She just couldn't believe it. Whoever this girl was, Joan hadn't seen her yet but she liked her already.

He went to the nearest photoshop to get the frame. When he got what he wanted, he was going to buy one of those shiny wrappers with the words happy birthday boldly written on it, but then decided to buy some brown paper instead. He'd design the wrap himself.

After getting back home, he spent almost three hours trying to draw the perfect design for the gift wrap. And when he finally got what he wanted, he took it to his mother.

"it's wonderful. She had told him. He just hoped that Isla thought so too.

By the time he was through with everything both the designing of the wrap and wrapping the gift itself, it was already past seven.

He was confused., should he get dressed and go now., or wait a little longer. He'd never been to parties except for the one's of family. So he had no idea when the party was going to start.

"she did say from dusk. When does dusk even begin? He found himself asking a question he knew the answer to.

I'll better confirm from the dictionary.

" A period at the end of the day when the sun is below the horizon but before the full onset of night. He read out loud.,then looked out his window.

" at the end of the day when the sun is below the horizon. He said again... "I think it's that time already. Or is it not. He ran his hand through his hair frustratingly.

Joan as if she had known the predicament her son would be in came to his rescue.

" Honey I think it's time you get dressed and get going. She said amidst chuckles. He looked at her like to say 'thank you, you just saved me.

He ran into the shower, washed himself up like he had been in the mud all his life. He got out and then another predicament hit him. One he had forgotten to think of.

"What will I wear??.. He brought out everything in his closet from casual to official.., from hoodies to polo shirts, from joggers to sweatshirts. Every single thing, but nothing seemed right. He had to pick something bright but not flashy., something cool and calm but not dull and boring. He ran through everything over and over again. He looked at the time, it was already eight. He didn't have time to waste anymore.

He just went with a simple white shirt and black jeans. Then a pair of white sneakers to go. He sprayed himself with perfume from head to toe. He likely finished the whole thing at once.

He looked himself in the mirror, and thought "it's okay right??..

A knock came on his door.." can I come in".

"WOW!!!...my son looks smashingly dashing. Joan said as she walked in.

" you_you think so.. I_I_Is it okay. He stuttered

"it's perfect. Now get going or you'll be late. He bent slightly to her level and hugged her. She sniffed in his excess perfume. And just bared it in. She didn't want to kill the boy's morale.

" thank you, mom. Love you. He said then ran out only to run back inside.." I almost forgot the gift. He said with a childish laughter. "Bye now".

"Bye honey. And don't come back home too early alright??

" I'll try. He said as she watched him go.

"PHEW... That was one strong perfume. Should I have told him? Nah. It'll wear off on the way...