8. Long time no see...

Wearing a dark-purple suit he tailored personally, he looked himself in his mirror. He was definitely not the same person she knew then.

This person in the mirror was the entirely improved and upgraded version. DAMON 2.0, or better still DAMON DEMON 9.0...

Using his finger tips, he arranged some golden strands that fell to his face, completely covering one of his eye...

He looked himself one last time in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction... He was looking spontaneously chic. But most importantly, he was looking ready to wreck someone's day. He gave himself a wink, picked up his car keys and set out to work.

He was wearing a suit this time so he didn't come in his bike. Instead he rode in his black bugatti chiron. But that did not mean they didn't know his cars. For except he recently got a new one, everybody working in that building knew all his machines. From his cars to his motorcycles and even on a crazy day when he just chose to ride a bicycle... Either one, they knew it all.

So as soon as he pulled up, panic ran through the building as usual, whispers going round the halls, texts moving from phone to phone, laptops to computers informing every and anyone that the Demon King had arrived.

He moved with majestic strides into the building, eyes sharp and at alert, searching for anyone who would be stupid enough to fall into his hands that morning. But it was like they all wanted him to save his energy and anger for that one special person who deserves it the most, for till he got to his office, even though he was moving in super slow-mo, everyone he saw seemed to be busy with something, no one was idle.

"Good morning sir" Ben the secretary whose desk was just right outside his office greeted as he walked in.

"There's someone waiting to see me right??... He asked without responding to the young man's greetings.

" No sir., no one has been here since I got here, and no call came in for you...

"Are you sure...

" yes sir I'm sure. I've been here since seven and no one except the janitor came in... Whenever Ben talked to him, he always tried his possible best to not stutter. He was two years older than Damon, but age was just a number when it came to things like this. He was terrified of the man in front of him.

But how could he not be, rumors had it that the Demon king's assistant and secretary were the two positions that were mostly vacant in that office. Not because there was no one for the job, but because they never lasted more than three months before he got sick of them and fired them...

Right now, Ben had been working for two months, his deadline was drawing closer. He tried to do everything and anything right so as there would be no reason to kick him out of the office. He desperately needed his job. Getting it wasn't that easy in the first place, and he didn't want to loose it.

"So no one's here... He said, his facial expressions had gotten darker and it made Ben wonder if it was something he said.

" No sir no one at all... He managed to respond without a stutter.

Damon turned from him and walked into his office...

Ben could finally breathe in fresh air. Somehow, the air always became stuffy anytime Damon was around.

" is it that she didn't see the mail I sent her, or she's running really late for her first day... If it was the latter, he would definitely be grateful for he would have more reasons to deal with her.

So for now, he'd just sit here and wait and watch how things unfold.

Isla got to the building by 8:40. First day of work and she was already running like crazy through the halls. She walked up to the receptionist...

"Good morning, my name is Isla Moore, and I'm here as the new assistant fashion designer and will be working in department 25. She manages to say amidst heavy panting. As she mentioned the department she would be working for, she saw a certain expression on the face of the receptionist. She couldn't quite point out what it is.

"Just hold on a minute... The receptionist said as she placed a call. When the call was over Isla was grateful that they didn't tell her to leave the company premises that instant, considering the fact that she was forty minutes, no now she was forty-five minutes late on her first day of work. Instead, she was told to go up.

"Stop. Stop... Stop... She yelled out to the closing elevator.. Fortunately for her, someone stopped it. She ran into it like she just fortunately caught the last bus to her home.

They were waiting for her to press her designated place, but she just stared at them with a blank face...

"What floor??... The one who had stopped the elevator for her asked...

" oh I'm sorry, I'm not sure but I'm going to department 25. She saw the look on everyone's face as soon as she mentioned the department... It was the same look that the receptionist had on when she had mentioned it earlier... Was it fear., shock or maybe pity... She couldn't quite pin it down.

"Department 25 that'll be the 45th floor the young man said. Then pressed the button and the doors shut close..

" You're going to department 25... A female voice suddenly asked... She turned around to see a tall, slender dark-haired lady probably in her late twenties or just around thirty. She was chewing gum in a way that Vanessa couldn't help but notice was very annoying.

"Yes... I'm a bit late but I'll be working as the new assistant fashion designer... She said to the lady even though she would have preferred to not talk to her at all.

" WHAT??... The lady suddenly said out loud. You'll be working for the Dem... She was going to say Demon King, but then she looked around her. Even though everyone called him that, still saying it out loud could get you into trouble...

" you'll be working for the Boss and you're just coming... Work resumes by eight but department 25 resumes by seven and you're just coming, we have just ten minutes to nine o'clock, you're like two hours late... I'd advice you to get off the elevator now, because going in there will only earn you some pretty bad insults, and you still won't get the job...

The words of the dark-haired lady drove cold chills down Isla's back... She already knew she was late, but this lady made it sound like it was way more worse than that... Should she listen to the lady and just get off the next stop and go back home... But they had called the department and she was told to come up... But what if she was told to come up just so she could receive a whole lot of insults like the lady had said... Frightening thoughts went through her mind. She didn't know what to do. She wished Jerry was here, he would tell her what to do...

"I was told to come up., so I think I'll go up and see how things go first... She saw that the whole elevator was a bit shocked by her response. Especially the dark-haired lady..

" OK., it's your funeral. Don't say I didn't warn you"... She said then blew a bubble in her face.

Isla was feeling itchy, her hands were sweating., it was like her heartbeat was moving with the elevator. The closer they got to forty-five, the more her heart was racing. It was pounding so hard that she felt it would fly out of her chest...

Soon it was just her and the dark-haired lady left in the elevator. Then the elevator beeped, indicating they'd reached their destination... As the doors opened, her breathing increased...

"That's the Boss's office over there... I sincerely wish you good luck... She said but it was obvious she didn't mean it... She had a mocking expression on her face.

She matched forward towards the office that was pointed to her.

" Good morning., I'm here as the new assistant... She said to the young man that looked like the secretary...

" HI... Why are you so late?? He asked sincerely looking worried for her... Just hold on a minute.

He stood up and she could see him taking a deep breath before knocking on the door, and another after he got the reply to come in...

Why was everyone like this about this person., could someone really be that scary... Well she admits she had chills from the way he stared at her the previous day, but he couldn't be that bad..

Or could he??..

"Sir the new assistant is here...

" send her in... Isla heard the voice say... For some reason she felt like the voice was familiar, maybe a little bit deeper and hoarse, but she felt like she'd heard this voice before...

"You can go in... The secretary signaled her... And unconsciously, she found herself doing the breathing exercises the secretary was doing before going in...

She stepped into the office and it was like one of those ones she saw in movies. Neatly arranged, huge silver coated shelf, a long couch at the corner. His king-size desk and seat close to the window. A ceiling to floor window that allowed the sun come in and beautifully illuminated the place. And in front of the window, he stood looking out, back turned to her. The suit he wore made sure to highlight his every masculine features. Just his back view was divine. Perfectly squared shoulders, slim waist, straight and thick model-like legs. Maybe because she didn't actually see him clearly the previous day, but he was quite tall. She was sure he was nothing less than a six foot two. His golden hair dazzled even more today. It was really like a crown over his head. He was perfection, she thought.

"Good morning sir., I'm sorry I came in late, but I just got the mail this morning... She wanted to clear herself as soon as possible. And she hoped he would be kind enough to understand...

" Well then I guess the job isn't that important to you, cause if it was, after the interview you wouldn't take your eyes of your email for even one second... She was sure she'd heard this voice before... But where, was the problem... He was still facing the window, right now she was talking to his back...

"I'm sorry sir but I didn't expect the mail to come so quickly...

" Then I guess you can go home and wait for a mail from another company. One that doesn't come quickly... Her hearts skipped at his words... He wasn't even trying to reason with her. She was going to try and explain it to him...

But then slowly., so slowly that she could catch every angle of his face, he turned... At first, the light coming from the window didn't let her see clearly., but soon her eyes started to adapt., it started to adjust., and in a minute she could see it clearly...

Her heart literally jumped out of her chest. She could feel herself back to the age she was those years when she had wronged this person. The guilt she felt that day and the days, months and years that followed it came hitting her like a spear straight to the heart...

Now it all made sense... The way he stared at her the previous day., the voice that sounded familiar. It all made sense. It was him, the biggest grotesque secret of her life., The man that lived in her nightmares, the man that once loved her with all his heart, and was ready to give her his all... Her hands were shaking., her knees quivering... How they were still holding her up she was not sure, but she was not on the ground yet... His name slowly crawled up to her trembling lips...
