13. Back in time iv: The first kiss...

" Among all the girls seated here., who would you love to kiss the most.., and the dare is... Walk up to her and kiss her...

His eyes drifted to her, the girl who's lips he'd love to be the first to touch his. She was staring at him with a smile on her face, his heart was racing like crazy. He moved his eyes away from her before she and every other person in the room realized what he was thinking.

The words were on replay in his head, balls of sweat rolling down his head, his hands trembling. There was no way he was going to answer this question, more or less attempt the dare. He'd just pay the fine, that would be easier and way less embarrassing for him.

"I_I'll _I'll pay the fine. He managed to stutter the words.

" what a loser. he heard someone say,. I knew he wouldn't do it. Another person smirked. He doesn't have the guts. They kept on mumbling rubbish about him, but he just ignored them.

He fumbled for his wallet, he checked every pocket he had, but it wasn't there. Did he leave his wallet at home?? But he was almost sure he had it with him. This is bad, if he doesn't have money to pay, then.

He knew playing this game was a bad idea., he should have known better. It never ends well in horror movies. Horror movies never lie. How could he have left his wallet at home.

"What now, goldilocks has no money?? Gabe teased.

" Well if you don't have money, stop wasting our time and just do what you're asked to.

"I mean it's not even that hard.

He wiped the sweat from his head with his trembling hands. The rules said no leaving after the game starts, so he was stuck here.

" Come on Damon. Amidst the insults and smirks, he suddenly heard her tender voice call out his name. Slowly, he raised his head to glance her way.

" Damon, I'm sure there's someone you like here., I mean it's just a game, so just show us who that girl is and walk up to her and kiss her... It's easy really. Her eyes and words were so assuring that he found himself lost in them. Really if her eyes were an ocean, he'd give up everything just to dive deep into them. They were just so mesmerizing.

"Okay I'll do it. He said but nobody heard him because everyone was busy insulting and saying nasty things about him.

" WOULD YOU ALL JUST KEEP SHUT., the queen of the occasion with her commanding tone brought the whole place to silence at once. THANK YOU. Damon, continue.

Now the whole place was quiet, it was kind of scary for him because right now all eyes were on him. Probably waiting to humiliate him. And they probably will.

"T_The person I L_Like is," He looked at her one last time then muttered I'm sorry to her before finally saying. "ISLA..." 

An uncomfortable silence followed his confession. All eyes looking from him to Isla.

" what did he just say??" 

"I_I think he just said Isla..." 

" That's what he said right?" 

"He really is worst than stupid..." 

A sudden out burst of laughter filled the room. People pointing fingers at him as if he was a clown, or more like a madman.." He must have really lost his mind"... "does he think that Isla would let him kiss her"...

"Hey you." It was Henry.. "out of every girl seated here, you picked Isla., do you think she would let you kiss her., she would rather kiss a dog than let her lips touch yours." 

Damon couldn't help but think that he just became less than a dog. This was definitely the worse day of his life. He looked at her and she had her eyes glued on him. He did not see surprise in them, it was almost like she knew he was going to pick her. He just wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole... He really shouldn't have played this game, No he shouldn't have come here in the first place. This was no place for a person like him...

"Henry seat your butt down., you're not the one getting kissed." Her voice echoed... All mocking eyes moved from him to her...

" Well what are you waiting for, an invitation??... Or am I to come kiss you... Everyone's eyes was wide open, she just told the stupid kid to come kiss her holy lips... Was she in her right mind., she wasn't possibly going to let that guy actually kiss her...

Damon's breath had been cut, did she just agree to allow him kiss her. He was sure he would die in the next five minutes for no air was entering his lungs. His eyes were just wide open, he was not thinking straight... He really needed help but nobody saw this. He was slowly dying in front of them...

But before his lungs became completely void of air, soft tender lips collided with his, completely sucking out every last air in his lungs, but replacing it with a new one.

This was his first., he was completely out of it. He had no idea what he was supposed to do, but the queen on the other hand was a good teacher, she was in complete control. Her tongue delicately parted his lips, diving into his mouth, tasting his wet tongue, teasing, seeking, and making sure he was getting an equal information on the insides of her mouth, on the taste of her tongue.

"is it true what they say about Damons?" She suddenly whispered as she broke the kiss, but still rested her lips on his.

" What?" He managed to ask

"that Kiss a Damon and you'll find good fortune." 

" I don't know, I'm not really sure..." 

"Well let me check one more time." And with that she once again dived into his mouth.

He didn't know how, but her tongue tasted like honey, underneath her tongue was like an ocean of sweet milk with a touch of honey. Slowly but intimately, he began to know every corner of her mouth. All the while inhaling the sweet scent of fresh roses coming from her hair. Soon he also began to flow with the rhythm that she followed.

This night just turned from the worst to the most unbelievable, and mocking eyes had turned to jealous eyes.

The taste he knew now, was one he would never forget. It was one he wished he could taste forever.

If her lips were poison, then they were the sweetest poison because he would willingly drink them to his death.

And if they were like the deep blue sea, then he would gladly dive into them and drown himself in them...

And just like that, in the presence of mocking and jealous eyes, he had his first kiss.