17. Back in time v: Her devious plan...

"I still can't believe it., thinking about Isla's birthday gives me goosebumps. Julia reminisced.

I know right? I still get nightmares from it. I can't believe she actually kissed him. Viv added.

"What do you think Henry, you've been trying to land one on her for ages, and that weird nerd got it before you, and without any stress. Julia added more salt to the open wounds.

" And whose fault was it huh., tell me whose fault was it, who asked that stupid guy that stupid question huh., who dared him to kiss someone.

" Don't take your anger out on me alright, it was a game and I just asked a simple and easy question. And besides, Isla was the one who whispered the question to me. I thought we could make fun of him with it, who would've known that the girl he liked out of everyone there that day was Isla, and who would have guessed that Isla would actually kiss him. Julia quickly defended herself.

"she's right dude., just calm down okay. Gabe motioned.

" Calm down., you really want me to calm down. I thought you also liked Isla, are you not angry? Doesn't your blood boil when you think about it. I mean I would have understood it if it was you, but that piece of nothing got to kiss her. And not just once, but twice. She kissed him twice. Don't you get it??

"of course I get it man, of course it made me mad, I so want to throw some lasting punches at the bastard, I feel like tearing that mouth of his into shreds. I'm pretty sure I'm way more annoyed than you are man, but we can't do anything rash. We're all preparing for college, what if we do something stupid and it gets out huh?? At this point, my old man would kill me if I cause anymore trouble.

"F*UCK!!! Henry yelled angrily

" But why do you guys think she did it. Why did Isla kiss him.

"I've been thinking the same thing too, I really couldn't come up with a reason as to why she did that.

" Do you think., I'm just saying, what if Isla actually likes... Henry and Gabe shut the girl a serious death glare.

"What, don't look ay me like that, I'm just saying, why in the world will she kiss him like that, it wasn't even just a lip to lip kiss, I could see her eating him up. And not just once. She kissed him twice in a row. Now you think about it and explain it if you can find any other reason she did that.

"You're right... They all turned as they heard her voice. She was really the queen of the school. All heads were at attention as soon as she came in. Was it respect., admiration, or was it fear. Whatever it was they felt., she was always in charge.

" I like him. She declared boldly.

" Isla, you can't do this to me, I've been asking you out for years now... Henry said... we've both been asking you for years now, and you say you like him.?

"You are so impatient Henry, you didn't let me finish. You know I don't like being interrupted when I'm talking.

" Am sorry, but I just... He was going to keep on talking, but could see the look in her eyes, so he shut himself up.

"Now, I said I like him, but you didn't ask me why.

" Why would we want to know why you like him??

"Actually I do want to know. Julia countered.

" Thank you. Now Julia, remind me who has the first place for best pranks of the year.

" Henry does., it was previously you, but then he pulled that prank on Mr Spencer where he played a video of the him taking a shower in the boys bathroom. Why do you ask.?

"Thank you. I've been thinking for some time now, on how to take back my first place, and I came up with the best answer.

" What's way more better than messing with the heart of a stupid nerdy guy, going out with him a few times, making him believe he was your everything, and then dumping him in front of the whole school, while I walk around with my real boyfriend.

" Wait, what do you mean your real boyfriend?? Gabe catched that part very clearly.

" I am planning on making one of you guys my boyfriend, and probably my future prom date.

Henry and Gabe could not believe their ears. This was something they'd both been dreaming of for years. And it was finally happening. One of them would be the lucky Mr. Isla.

"oh my gosh Isla, I can't believe you came up with such a plan

" I know, I'm good. So don't stress yourself about me kissing that nerdy fool. It was only to make him fall deeper in love with me. I'd been studying him for a while now. He's gullible, easy to control, naive, and almost really innocent which makes him the perfect candidate. I had everything planned from the very beginning.

When I said everyone was invited to my party, I glanced over to him, so he could get a hint that I wanted him to be there, and when he finally came, the truth or dare game was a perfect way to get closer to him, that's why I chose the game and dragged him there. She was beaming with joy, you could tell she was utterly proud of herself.

"Wait, does that mean you knew he was going to pick you the whole time when you told me to ask him that question? You knew he liked you?

" wasn't it obvious.? Poor thing couldn't even hide his feelings. So I knew he was definitely going to pick me. I also previously made sure he wouldn't have anything to bail himself out with by swiping his wallet earlier on when I dragged him to the game. It was so easy. And he didn't disappoint me, he chose me. Everything about him is so easy, and that's why he's the perfect bait for my last and final prank to round up highschool and take back my first place.

"My God Isla, you're despicably devious. You're just too good. I really can't comprehend how you came up with such a plan.

" Well I'm just glad the kiss was just for show. Gabe said.

"Yeah he was already freaking out, they were both freaking out. Henry looked like he was going to strangle her for daring golden-hair to kiss you. Viv giggled.

" well how could we not be, I was really starting to consider the fact that you liked that freak. I mean that kiss was really intense, and not just once, but twice.

"I know, and that's why I'm Isla Moore. I put my heart into everything I do, no matter what that is. Even though it's making a complete fool out of a golden-haired weirdo. I always love to leave everything flawless. And like him? Not even in a thousand years.

Isla Moore doesn't like people that easily. She preys on them.


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Oh and powerstones. Don't forget the powerstones. They are highly needed.

Okay bye for now. Thank you.

See you next chapter. TOMORROW. maybe ^_^ ^0^