19. Contract...

Thank goodness the ride from the office to her apartment was a bit lengthy, so she could get some sleep. Because when she got home, she couldn't find sleep again. Even when Jerry made her close her eyes that she would eventually fall asleep, even though it was for two more hours, he ended up falling asleep before her.

She closed her eye, but as usual, the haunter of her dreams was never faraway from her. He was always there. She just stayed up going through the PDF version of the rules on her phone. There were like a hundred rules. It was already 2am in the morning. She wondered if she should quit., wondered if she could take going through what she went through today.

He called her trash. Yes she knew what she did to him was trashy, but then it still hurt to hear him say it. He obviously wanted her to hear it. He knew she was somewhere around. How did everything come to this..

Just as she was thinking, she got an email. She opened it, and it was a message from Damon king's email account. She immediately sat up straight as soon as she saw it.

Now, Isla felt fear flow like blood throughout her whole body, goosebumps had popped out so quickly. She wasn't sure what to expect in the email. She was terrified thinking of the possible things he could have sent her. She opened it, and it was a file. What in the world could be so important that he sent it as a file.

She wasn't even in the office, and she found herself doing Ben's breathing exercises just to open a file.

She finally opened it, and saw CONTRACT boldly written on the document. It was a contract stating that she was to be placed on trial for a month as his personal assistant. After the one month, he had the right to send her packing or hire her full-time. And which ever party breaks the contract has to pay the fine of a hundred thousand dollars. He already signed it.

This was ridiculous, a hundred thousand dollars, if she signed this, she was doomed. There was no running away from him. He clearly knew that a hundred thousand dollars for her was like her entire life even though for him, it was probably just shoe money.

He was trying to tie her down for that one month. How was she sure she could take this for one month. Just a day was like hell, she really didn't even know that he affected her this way until she saw his email. The fear that ran through her veins was something she hadn't felt before.

If she signed this, there was no backing out in the middle, if she did, she'd have a heavy debt on her head. There was no way she was signing this sh*t. Definitely not. She would go there tomorrow., oh it was already past two, so she would go there today and tell him she quits. She couldn't possibly do this., this was going to be the death of her. She'd rather die from lack of sleep.

But then, her eyes drifted to the drawing on the wall. It was one of the numerous ones he had given her. But she loved this one more. He always gave her drawings of herself, but this one was different, he drew himself in this one too. In the drawing, they were both seated, and he placed a kiss on her cheek.

She could remember clearly the day he gave her this drawing. She had won a quiz competition, and demanded for a present from him, but he didn't have anything for her, so he planted a kiss on her cheek instead. She remembered how she felt then. It was something she had never felt before. Like butterflies where crawling in her stomach. Like a sudden electricity passed through her veins.

She hadn't expected that kind of gift. But then she made sure not to show her sudden emotion, and demanded another gift. And he asked her what she wanted, she had told him one of his drawings. He promised to give it to her the next day, but later that night he went to her house saying he couldn't wait till the next day to give it to her, and that he just finished drawing it.

Just like that, little things he did, little irrelevant things, but it kept on moving her heart. Making her heart flutter.

She took the drawing and after he'd left she opened it and saw it was a drawing of him kissing her today. She really loved it. It was so simple, and yet it was the perfect gift.

That was Damon., that was who he used to be. And she was sure that is who he still is, underneath all that wickedness that she had taught him. She was sure that guy that was so quiet, but yet bubbly whenever he was with her was still in there somewhere.

She just had to dig deeper., dig beneath that surface. And she would find him there.

She looked at the contract again. After what she went through today, she so wanted to back out. He terrified her to the bones, but he doesn't deserve to have so much hate in him, he doesn't deserve to hold in so much anger. And no one else was to be blamed but her.

If he was still angry and full of hatred, then the one who deserves to receive all that hate was her. She shouldn't be running away, she would face the demon she had created. She deserves everything he throws at her.

Without further thinking, she used an online signing app, and signed the contract, and then forwarded it back to him.

She was going to walk in this hell that she created. Even though it was just for a month. She knew this hell was definitely going to burn her badly and even leave scars, but she just hoped and prayed that before that one month is up, she would be able to bring out the Damon and kill the Demon.