28. All your fault...

"Hey bro, how are you doing?

" what are you doing here, when did you even get back. His voice raising high, it was clear he didn't appreciate this unexpected visit.

"oh I've been around for about a month or so. My girlfriend over there even broke up with me because I was taking too long here.

" Well, get going as soon as possible.

"Wow, man you little brother came over to visit and you don't even look at me straight in the eye while talking, I just got here and you're already chasing me back. You could feel the pain in his voice. Are you that scared of me taking the company from you or what? Now those words caught the attention of his brother, and the man stood up from his position. He walks over to the young man. Looking him straight in the eye.

"You know you are no threat to me in no way Ivan. And you know very well why I don't want you around, you murderer. At his words, Ivan could feel his heart being pierced with a knife. He loved his older brother, but this love was never reciprocated. The man hated him with everything in him. And it was all because of something he did when he was much younger.

"You know that that was not my fault, you can't keep on holding that against me. He tried hard to choke back the tears that threatened to fall.

" No., it's all your fault. He said holding onto Ivan's jacket, unnecessarily straightening it up. And it will always be. So I don't want to have to see the face of a murderer, so make sure you take the next flight back to Canada or wherever it is you came from. He says stylishly slapping him on the face like he was patting him. Then he strode back to his seat, but then Ivan talks back.

"I'm sorry but what will I do now, I can't go back just yet this time. I've got a date. I've got two actually. So I'm not going anywhere, at least not yet. He defiantly said and walked away before his brother could say anything else.

He stood outside the door, and the tears he held back since came falling down. "what do I have to do to show you I'm sorry, what do I have to do to make you forgive me?


" Good morning sir" Ben greets as soon as his boss walks in. He does not get a response as usual. He just walks past him into the his office.

Ben seats back down, but his butt had barely touched the seat when Damon's door flew wide open again, and he jumps back up.

"is something wrong sir?

" where is she?

"oh, she went to the last fabric company to get the fabrics just as you told her to.

" when she gets back, tell her to see me in my office. He ordered and strode back into his office.

"he wants to see her, not talk to her over the phone. Thank God. Ben thought to himself. He was tired of being the middleman between the two of them.


"Thank you very much sirs" Isla thanks the men that helped her move the fabrics to the department.

"oh, eesh-la you're back, good. Take these papers and make five copies each. Jennie handed over a bundle of papers to Isla who was just returning from her fabric business. She wasn't even given the chance to catch her breath before bombarding her with work.

She collects the papers and walks over to the copier machine and starts making copies of them. God there was about a hundred pages. So that means she has to make like 500 copies. God have mercy, but she really hates those witches. Worst thing was there was no seat next to the copier machine, so she had to stand while making them.

"Isla, when did you get back? Ben who had just gone out to get something asked.

" just now.

"and have you seen the boss yet?

" No, as soon as I got back, Jennie gave me these papers to make copies of them so that's what I'm doing. I don't even know if he's here or not.

"Isla, a little tip for you, whenever you get back from somewhere, anywhere at all, make sure you first before any other thing see your boss first. He warns.

" I just thought I should do this first, and I really didn't know he was here. She still tries explaining.

" I know, but I'm just saying this for your sake. And on that note, the boss wants to see you. He said to come to his office immediately you got back.

" His office? He wants to see me. Not talk to me over the phone? She asked surprised. For as much as she knew, he'd been trying his best not to talk to her face to face., and also he already told her he didn't want to see her disgusting face.

" that's what I thought too, but I just told you what he told me, so you better leave this right now and run over there. She immediately stops the machine, and drops the rest paper there.

" Are you done with it? Jennie asks when she sees Isla rushing to Damon's office.

" uhm, no. But I will do it, let me just quickly go and answer the boss. She said rushing off.

"Hey eesh-la, are you deaf, come hear. She calls out, trying not to raise her voice too high so as not to attract the boss, but Isla didn't have any plans to return to her until she answered her boss's call.

" I think someone needs to teach that girl respect. Angie points out, making Jennie even angrier than she already was.

"You're right, she needs to know her place in this office. Shelley added.


Knock knock knock...

" Yes"

"sir I was told you want to see me. Isla says from behind the door. At the sound of her voice, it was already starting, he was starting to panic, starting to get scared, and starting to feel his hate increase. But still, he had to try this method that Dee suggested.

"come in"

Was it that he was just noticing now, or was she always this slim. No she'd definitely gotten slimmer.

"Yes sir, is there something you need me to do?

" just stand there.


" Do you need hearing aids now, I said just stand there.