39. Whatever it takes...

"isn't that Isla" Ivan smiled as he drove by on his bike. But before he could park it in a nice spot, she had already gone inside. So he followed her inside hoping to get a chance to say a simple hello.

From a distance, he had sighted his idol Damon King, and he was feeling really blessed today.

"I get to see Isla and meet Damon King again too. Maybe I'll come to this J&S more often. He said with a smile on his face. As he walked forward so he could quickly catch up with her for she now just stood at a spot, and then he'll go pester his idol.

"Here she is. My useless assistant. He heard Damon say, pointing at Isla. He stopped moving towards her, wondering if Damon was actually referring to her.

And then the man sitting in front of Damon seemed to have said something, and Damon replied in response to whatever it is the man had said.

"OH no, she can't get too close to me. She always reeks of filth.

He couldn't believe his ears, he'd heard of his reputation of being really cruel, but he was the kind of person that never believed gossips even if it was from the press, but now how could he say a fellow human being reeks of filth. And in such a public place. That was just too harsh.

He wasn't the one he was referring to, but he was feeling to disgraced, so he could possibly guess how she would be feeling. All he wanted to do was get her out of here. He walked forward, but was halted as soon as he took the first step., his eyes went wide as he saw who was seated in front of Damon. He immediately turns to walk away on seeing his brother seated there.

But then he heard him say her name, and she also called his name, almost like she knew him. He wanted to know how they knew each other, maybe Henry had personally gone to threaten her to make him leave, but for some reason he felt that was not it. He slowly began to move away. He really wanted to save her from this disgrace, but he didn't want to face his brother either.

"Isla's your assistant? The man asked in disbelief. Still turning back to look at her. She was shivering where she stood. She couldn't even move from the spot, maybe because she was too embarrassed to do so or maybe she was scared of what he could do next if she walked away and he got angry at her.

"Yes, I'll just play around with her for a while and then throw her away. I have to throw out worthless things I don't need anymore when the time is right. He said still glaring at her.

His words were making her sound like a slut, like she was probably selling her body to him in exchange for something. And it made her skin cringe to think that he just belittled her so.

Suddenly a hand gripped her injured wrist from behind, making her shriek in pain. She looks back to see who it was.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were hurt" Ivan says then holds her other hand and drags her out of there. He was going to walk away after seeing his brother there, but then he couldn't just take it when Damon kept on calling her names.

Damon cringed as he saw him laying his hands on her. Who the hell did he think he was to take away his toy. No one had the right to take her away to anywhere. Especially not from his presence. He could feel his blood boiling out of anger, he was so bloody angry. No one could save her from him. She was his to Savage and ravage. His to do as he saw fit.

He suddenly stood up to walk away.

"Where are you going?

He didn't even give the man a reply, and just walks off fuming.

" I'm going to get that contract Damon. Whatever it takes. I'm getting it. He yelled after him, but Damon was completely unaffected.


"Are you a mannequin or something, how can you stand there and receive so much insults and not say a single thing. I know you're not mute, so why were you just standing there and taking all that crap? He was so angry, maybe it was the fact that she had to receive all that insult, or that his idol had turned out to be a total Jackass. Whichever it was, he was just really pissed.

Soft sobs escaped her mouth, the tears trickled down her cheeks nonstop. Soon her legs gave in and she went squatting, crying her heart out into her knee. Why was she always showing her lame side to this man.

Bending down to her level, he pulls her close to him, holding her in his arms and patting her shoulders, whispering words of comfort to her.


"So Damon King is your boss. I guess it figures why you're head over heels for him. Even I love the man's charisma. That was until today though.

" I already told you, it's not like that."

" if you don't have feelings for him, why do you keep on working there even when he treats you so badly.

" it's more complicated than that.

"You can keep on denying it, but it's obvious that you have some feelings for him. But I personally don't think his worth it. Someone who makes you cry and treats you so badly doesn't deserve the smallest of your affection. He stated his thoughts plainly.

"No, you're wrong, you just don't know him. He deserves all the affection and all the love I can give. He deserves even more. He's worth way more than I can even offer.

" So you finally agree that you love him... He says, making Isla's eyes open wide, she hadn't realized what she just said.

"No.., I..

" Just drop it., he interrupts her. It's very obvious. But he obviously isn't giving you the slightest of affection back. I wish you'd show me quarter of the affection you have for him.

"Ivan, I...

"Don't say something like you're sorry.., he interrupted her again. Instead just tell me you'll think about it. Just get Damon King out of your head. I may not be as dazzling looking as he is, but I'm sure I'm pretty good looking too. He said with a smile.


"Simon, that lady that Ivan took out just now, is she probably the one that he has been seeing since he got back?

" Yes sir, that's her.

"So we meet again Isla Moore, after all these years. How the mighty has fallen, to a mere assistant. And for all the people you could work with, you still had to go to him.





later that night... Damon was finding it hard to sleep, he didn't know why he couldn't get his mind off that scene. He really hated the fact that that helmet dude had the guts to drag her out of his presence. He was surely going to make her pay for walking out on him like that.

BEEP BEEP... A text enters his phone.

"Hey Damon, it's me the girl that reeks of filth...