41. Work idea...

It was late in the night when he returned to his hotel room. He slid in the key card, and entered inside tired. But there was someone already there.

"Wow, you break into people's rooms now. Ivan says as he sees Henry sitting there like he owned the place.

" where the hell have you been, it's not like you have anything meaningful that you do. You just kept me waiting dear little brother. Henry mockingly called him little brother.

" so why are...

"just shut up and listen to me. Henry interrupts the man not even giving him the chance to say a thing like his words didn't matter. I've decided to let you stay longer here. You see I just found out that your love interest is someone very special. We have a lovely history together Me and Isla, including that good for nothing golden-haired. And she might just be a very important factor once again. So I'll let you stay and play around, just be ready to answer me whenever I call you. Henry gave his speech and stood up to leave.

"why are you suddenly making me stay? What are you planning?

" For now, that's non of your business. Have fun while it lasts with her. Because it won't last long.


After texting Damon that night, Isla opened the calendar on her phone, and marked the date she started working at kings Corp, and the date she was going to stop. She started on the 11h of January which was a Tuesday, so automatically her time ends on the the 11th of February. Today was already 17th no 18th, because it was already past midnight. she didn't have much time. She had to find a way to break the bricks of ice round his heart.

Since sleep was not coming as usual, she took her pencil and sketch book, and started to sketch something. She wasn't the best when it came down to sketches, but she always had a lovely picture of what she wanted to make in her head. So most times, she'd just explain it to Jerry and he'd do a better job in sketching it out for her. Then she'd make the clothes.

But now he was asleep and she needs to keep herself busy with something.

The Global group project just pops into her heard.

"How could I have forgotten" she said to her self, hitting her head with her injured hand and crying out in pain after.

"I have to come up with the best design, maybe if he sees it, he'd like it. And maybe start liking me too. She sometimes had the reasoning of a five year old. Thinking that making some designs would get him to like her was just pure cinderella fantasy. But she had to at least try everything and anything possible.

Her wrist hurt, but she didn't want to focus on the pain, and just continued sketching out something... All the while repeating the theme of the magazine. "Fierce and powerful"


Jerry woke up sometime around after three, to go ease himself, that's when he saw her scribbling something. All around her there was squeezed torn sheets all over the floor.

"What are you doing? He stood in front of her.

" oh hey, you're awake. I'm just working on something.

"Yeah, I can see that. He pointed at the whole sheets of paper on the floor. But what is so important that you are suddenly working on it, like you have to finish it by tomorrow.

" it's a project from work. We have to design something that says I am a fierce and powerful man, and I've been sketching and sketching all night long, but nothing seems like a fierce and powerful kind of design. Instead it feels weak and feeble.

" Well no one says you have to get it done today, just relax and try again.

" But I can't, everyone is to turn in their designs by Friday next week. After that Da.. I mean my boss won't collect any more from anyone. So I have to start working on it now.

"Still, you have to calm down. And stop biting your nails. Now, since you have a theme to work with, first look for something that kinda of inspires you, that when you look at it you see fierce and powerful. Then from that inspiration you sketch out something meaningful. But first you have to look for an inspiration, if not you'll might just be stuck on this forever... And I can actually help you if you want. He suggested.

"No, I don't want your help. She said stretching her hands at him, and now he notices her bandaged wrist.

" What the hell happened to your hand Isla., he said seriously, holding onto the hand making her shriek.

"ouch careful, it hurts.

" What happened to you. Did your boss do this? He asked immediately

"No, not it wasn't him. I dropped my pen into a tank of piranhas, and I wanted it back, so this happened. She lied

" What? Are you nuts, what the hell is wrong with you. Who dips a hand into a tank of live piranhas just for a pen, and where in the world did you even see a tank of piranhas at work.

" They are my boss's pet fish. She said.

"You are mad Isla you know that. How could you do this to yourself, he's face cringed looking at it, imagining the pain she felt when it bit her. Did you disinfect it? He suddenly asks her.

" yes I did. She lied.

"that's a lie, you never disinfect your injuries unless I make you because you're scared of the stings. I'll go get the first aid kit. He stood up to move, but she pulled him down back.

" I'm telling you the truth, I went through the pain because I knew you would tell me to do it. So someone at work helped me disinfect it. She really hoped that he would believe her.

" are you sure? She nods her head. Okay fine. Better go get ready, this is already 3:56. He reminded her, and she jumped out of her seat immediately.