46. Wrong bag...

On the way to the place, he had sent her the picture of the design of the fabric she was going to get, and also the name of the fabric.

She was really thinking he didn't plan on punishing her too much, but then he was just a sly Demon. The drive to the place took like forever, she was starting to think that the driver was trying to kidnap her. Because the journey was almost endless, but before she accused the poor man of kidnapping, she decided to check her Google map, and she saw that they were right on course.

According to Google, it took almost five hours to get to that place on foot, and then in a car it took two hours and five minutes. He sent her on this endless journey knowing how far the place was.

After a while, she finally got there. She had never been more grateful to God in her life. She was so happy that she made it, she so hated long journeys, especially when she had to go on it alone.