55. Back in time xi: Definitely a wrong topic...

"what's in the cardboard?

" hmm, it's just the diagrams of the m_male and fe_female r_r_reproductive systems.

"Are you a stammerer?

" W_What? N_N_No.

"You're not, then why do you always stutter?

" I_I d_don't always s_st_stutter.

"Yes you do, you just did. I don't think I've heard you say a complete sentence without stuttering"

"I _I huh, I r_really am not a st_stammerer. I'm n_not just used t_to talking with g_girls" he sincerely said. Before her, he barely said anything to anyone in that class. More or less a girl, and she wasn't just any girl, she's the girl he'd been crushing on for two whole years now, and she's talking to him now. How could he not stutter? 

"Oh, I see. Well I think it's cute.

" okay let me see your diagrams. He hands over the cardboards to her, she opens it. He was desperately waiting for her comment, he wanted to here her say something nice about what he did.