73. Back in time xiv: Who should call first...

Around nine in the night Inside his room, Damon was facing the biggest problem of his life at the moment. The Economical problem of 'What To Do'

"Should I call her. I miss her voice. Damon sat up on his bed contemplating his options. It's been a week since we've been dating, and I've not called her once. If I suddenly call her up, will it not seem strange, but I really want to hear her voice. But what would I say I called her for? would I seem to desperate. Well it's no news that I definitely like her more, but then what if she runs away because I'm being clingy? God what do I do. He falls back on his bed helpless, but then a light bulb switches on in his head. 

"I could tell her I called to ask about maths. I could say I need help with maths, that would work. He happily clicks on her name on his contacts, and was about to press the call button when another depressing thought came to his mind.