113. Back in time XXXix: first phase of the plan...

After the chanting and cheering was done, and he was finally given space to breath, he immediately looked around for her, but she had suddenly disappeared. 

"did she leave already?" He wondered. Just as he was thinking this, his phone vibrates in his pocket. 

"Damon, I'm off to class. The whole place is really too stinky for me. Boy sweat was just oozing from every direction. So I've gone back to class first. Do take a proper shower before you come to me okay?" was what the text said. 

"That's right, she can't stand being sweaty herself. More or less a field filled with stinking people." He thought out loud. He really couldn't go back to her smelling like a wet dog. 

But where was he supposed to take a shower in this entire school? He had no idea where the boys locker room was, he tried his possible best to stay away from stressful sports over the years, so he never needed to take a shower in school before.