126. The boss's lips twitched...

After Isla practically ate every single thing placed in front of her, she moved herself back to the office, taking slow steps as she couldn't move too fast, or else an unpleasant royal rumble will occur inside her stomach. 

On getting to the office, she slowly made her way back to her seat. She really needed to rest in one place.

Every single thing was so good that she didn't listen to her stomach telling her that it was filled. Instead she chose to listen to her mouth that wanted to taste everything.

"Welcome" Ben jokingly greeted as she sat down. "won't you go and report back to the boss?" he asked, and she was about to stand up when a thought crossed her head. 

She needed him to fire her, so all she had to do was keep on doing things that would irk him. 

"Ben, here's a list of the things they have in the cafeteria. I can't go to him now. My stomach hurts. So just help me. Just tell him I'm tired, so I can't bring it to him myself"