135. Bait for the big fish...

"Have you lost your mind, so now you kidnap my friend just to get to me?" she yelled, wiggling and wriggling, trying to free herself from the grip of the oafs that held her. 

"oh Isla, you flatter yourself too much. Yes it's been years since I've last seen you, but I'm not that interested in you to go through all this stress. At least not anymore." He snickers. 

"I don't care what you want, just let Ivan go. He has nothing to do with all this. Why the f*ck would you kidnap my friend and beat him to a pulp." She roared, seeing Ivan like that on the floor, she could see his swollen face, his bloodied shirt, he had been beaten badly and it was all her fault. 

" Oh, Isla, forget about this little fish. Tell me the truth, haven't you missed me all these years? I sent you multiple texts to see you but you never replied. Why Isla?" he asked, moving closer to her, his palm walking it's way to her face.