140. You're Mine...

"Aren't you listening to a word I'm saying?? Let go of me right now..." Isla yelled, tears trailing down her battered face.

"You're loosing blood, you should get yourself out of here, let go of me right now... You shouldn't even be touching me, so what's your problem, I'm telling you to leave me the f*ck alone and get the hell away from me." She cried even harder apart from the hit to the head, he was probably dying inside too, so why was he still this close to her. 

But he was yet to utter a single word. He'd already set her legs free, his fingers traced the cuts and bruises she had on them. Was it crazy that he felt like kissing them?

Slowly staggering to his feet, one of his knees giving out, causing him to fall back to the ground, but he picks himself back up almost instantly.