144. His family...

Standing by the door, thank heavens George and David still held her steady, shed have fallen down to the ground. 

"he's not awake... Why is he not awake?" she cried, her body shivering in the hands of the men that held her.

She wanted to shake him up and tell him to wake up, and tell him he wasn't supposed to be close his eyes for too long. She was scared he'd end up closing them forever. 

*Ahhh* she inhaled sharply and loudly, even her breath trembled as such a horrible thought came to her mind. Close his eyes forever? He could not do that to her. No... She wanted to believe he doesn't hate her that much to leave this world for her. 

Seeing her resistance to move forward past the door level, David understood her predicament. 

"You can go closer Isla, his gynophobia only acts up when he's awake..." he calmly says, urging her to move forward. 

Now Isla really needed to know who was this familiar Stanger and how does he know about...