156. Kiss every part...

His unexpected return was one thing, but seeing him standing in front of the company entrance kissing a woman was a totally different story.

The message had spread round the company like wildfire... The once who were bold enough to take a quick picture had shared it on their group charts.

Now everyone knew Damon King was back and more importantly now, he has a lady. A fact that now completely destroys the baseless and laughable rumors about the Demon King being gay.

As usual, with him in the building, everyone scurried away, looking for things to quickly do, but at the same time trying to catch a glimpse of Damon King waltzing in with a lady. Who has now been identified as his personal assistant.

'it seems she's really Personal.' some people hissed, jealous and spiteful as they were.

"Hey you... You... and you. Come here" he was focused on his lady, but he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of these people from the corner of his eyes.