167. I'm Sorry...

*DING-DONG* The door bell rang again, and he panics, there was no more time to start choosing the perfect clothing, so quickly tossing his towel to the side, he grabs a pair of boxers, and slips it on, his fingers trembling as he picked up the black sweatpants that was closest, slipping them on in haste, stretching his hands and taking out an equally black polo shirt. 

*DING-DONG* the bell... again. "ohhh..." he groaned, cursing himself for keeping her waiting. But his hair still wasn't dry, "oh, damn it." he picks up the towel, drying his hair with it as he ran out of his room, to finally go open the door. Quickly tossing the towel behind a flower as he reached the door. 

"Hey!" he says as soon as he turns the door knob open.