188. Don't do that again

"Then show me." The voice passed through every functioning senses in her body, it passed through the sobs and wails. "Don't just stay there, you say you missed me, then show me that you missed me." She heard the voice again, and this time she slowly lifts her head up, taking her palms off her face, wiping the tears that blinded her. 


"You always threaten to not talk to me for a week, tsk... it hasn't even been a day and look at you." He was there, right there in front of her eyes, looking directly at her, she staggered to her feet. The tears flowing once again. 

He opened his arms wide, urging her to come and be wrapped up in him. Sobbing and sniffing, her eyes bulging, like a tractor without brakes, she staggered wearily towards him, and with no hesitance she jumped into his arms, wrapping her hands around his neck, and her legs around his waist.