198. New crush...

The remaining days at the resort were filled with laughter and fun. Everyone congratulating Isla and Damon, even Jennie and Angie had personally gone to see Isla.

"I still don't like you." Jenny said. "Neither do I" Isla had replied. "But it's only right to congratulatate any woman who found love and has held on to it so... Congratulations on your engagement. I won't say I wish you luck, because that would be a lie, but congratulations either way." Isla scoffed at her words.

"it's not like anyone forced you to congratulate me, but thank you anyway." she tosses her hair to her back dramatically with her hand, making sure both ladies got a clear view of her ring. Angie could only roll her eyes at the gesture.

"it's really a pity that you met him before I did. I'm sure if he met me before you, I'd have been the one wearing that ring now." Angie said.