Chapter 1. My boring life.

Its dark. I hear a ringing sound. My body wont move, as if im in sleep paralysis. The way i feel is... Excited but scared. Finally, for once in my boring life something is actually exciting. But at that same moment, i wake up. Taking back those words i said while i was dreaming. The ringing sound is louder, i can hear it clearly now. Its my alarm clock. Another completely boring, regular school day.

"Asahi, your alarm clock woke me up!" Said a voice which i knew very well.

"Ichika, its not my fault, i was dreaming and it just barely woke me up." I replied in a low voice, but loud enough for her to hear me, since our parents were sleeping.

"You wake up way too early you know! Your school starts at what, 8 am? Why are you waking up at 6:45 am??" Asked my annoyed sister.

"Its not my fault you know, i told my parents that i would rather wake up later considering school is a 10 minute walk, but they insisted that i woke up early so i had time and didnt need to stress. Now then if you excuse me im going to go get ready for school." My now confused sister who thought to herself and questioned why i didnt just stay in bed for extra time, went back to her room and closed the door. Her school starts around 9:30 am i believe, so she could sleep for a bit longer. She is afterall, 12 years old, its interesting how late 7th graders start. Oh well, im in 9th grade so its not that surprising. I got ready for school, ate some breakfast, and looked in the mirror to make sure i look fine, because my silly parents always insist that i dont look like a homeless person. Silver-white hair, check. The same beige skin color i always have, check. Blue eyes, check (seriously, i dont get why they make me check all this stuff.) Boring blueish school uniform, check. Well, lets get going. On the way nothing really happens. Just the same old usual path to school. Nothing interesting. In fact, its a bit too quiet. Its weird. No usual car sounds or birds or anything. And in the middle of the summer! But as i get closer to school it starts to get a lot louder. You know how it is with high schools. Loud and massive.

"Yo, Asahi, how are you doing?" Asked my classmate and friend, Fuji.

"The usual, bored and already wanting to go home. What about you? How are you feeling?" I replied in a uninterested way.

"Somewhat excited, its the first day of school after all. I get to meet all my old friends, including you, meet new teachers and see my new schedule! Are you not excited?"

"No, i honestly feel like the break was too short, in fact i feel like my last school day was yesterday."

"Really? Your always doing well in school, you got the best grades you know, and your the most popular person in the class." Said my friend once agian continuing the conversation.

"Its not like im trying to be popular, i really couldnt care less about popularity. And good grades i get from hard work." I replied, once agian, in a uninterested way.

The rest of my friends came over to us and said hello.

"Hey Kiyoshi and Benjiro, how are you guys doing?" Fuji greeted them kindly and continued a conversation which i honestly didnt care that much about. My life is too boring, its almost comical. Wonder if this is some sort of truman show reboot or something. Wait, nevermind truman show was scripted. Still this feels too much like a boring novel that some old japanese guy would write.