Chapter 4. After Space Wars.

Me and my sister finished watching space wars. Gotta say it wasnt that bad, allthough the effects were a bit cheesy. But in my opinion its the story that matters not the effects. My sister loved the movie, and ofcourse she also bought way too many snacks, i had to end up eating so many to the point of being overly full, and she was as well. In the end we had a great time though. It was weekend and she wanted to do a lot of activites. Next day she wanted to go swimming and on sunday she wanted to play games together with me. She also forced our parents to come along swimming. And i havent seen any weird phenomenons of late either, so i was probably just tired and not getting enough rest if im being honest. My sleep schedule isnt the best so it makes sense. School starts agian on monday, and its just the same boring routine as every school day. Well its bed time now anyway so i should go to sleep. I brushed my teeth, got into my pajamas and lied down in bed. It didnt take long for me to start nodding off. It was late and i was tired so its not weird.

I wake up in a village lying in what seems to be a dessert. I dont question nor really think about it. It seems totally normal to me. I walk around and i see this monkey with a suit and a top hat walking around. He looks familiar, where have i seen him? Oh right! In Star Wars. But wait... Is he an actor or what?

"In life there are no phenomenons young baboonawan. Only hardships, struggles and hard work." The monkey told me in a wise accent that made me think hard about it.

"Uhm, ok? So can you explain what i am doing on this planet and why i am here? Also why are you a talking monkey in a suit and a top hat?" I simply asked, i had many questions and preffered for them all to be answered.

"All shall be answered within time, youngin." He said. And thats when i woke up in bed realizing that im tired, its weekend and it was still early morning. So i just lied in bed for a few hours taking advantage of the little rest i would get, after all my sister is forcing us to go swimming today. Talk about weekend huh.