
Sitting not too far from where the casket, was Mr. McCray who has a bottle of wine in front of him as he pure himself a cup while staring at the casket in anticipation.

"It should be about time he wake up from his slumber" mutter Mr. McCray as he took a sip from his cup.

"Boom" "Boom"

The casket begin to make some funny sound like someone was trying to bust out of it and for about a minute, the casket shook before it was busted open as a young man could be seen sitting up as he begin to scan his surrounding.

After opening the casket, Abel was shocked to see that he was able to see clearly in the dark even when there the room is not too bright and that is not all, his hearing has also improved. While he was looking around the place, he suddenly heard someone chuckle which make him turn around to see who it was only for him to see that it was Mr. McCray.

"I see how curious you are about your new power, if you ever had any problem concern your power, you can always come to look for me" said Mr. McCray with a smile as he lend Abel a hand out of the casket.

"Am I really a vampire?" asked Jason as he begins to look at his hands.

"in the flesh boy" reply Mr. McCray as he took a sip from his wine.

Looking down at his legs which were cut off earlier by the monster, Abel was shocked to see that they have grown back and there was no mark of being wounded on it.

"I actually grew them back" said Abel happily.

"that is one of the features of a vampire, being able to heal any wound that was influenced on you during a fight" reply Mr. McCray.

Pouring another cup full before passing it to Abel only for him to be turned down.

"I don't drink alcohol" said Abel.

"you might need to drink this to quench your taste" reply Mr. McCray as he passes the cup to him.

Taking the cup from him, Abel peeps into the cup to see the content only for him to see that the color of the wine is red and according to what he knew about vampires from the movies he has watched, he thought maybe they really feed on blood. Seeing the way Abel was just staring at the cup, he let out a chuckle before speaking up.

"It's what you think it is so drink up quickly".

"That even makes it worst" said Abel as he put the cup down.

"since you just become a new turn, it is better you drink since you need it to nourish your body, and let me warn you if you don't drink it and decide to leave, then be ready for the consequences" replied Mr. McCray as he passed the cup back to him.

"What consequences are you talking about" asked Abel.

"That is left for you to find out" reply Mr. McCray.

Looking at the cup once more before shutting his eyes as he took a sip but the moment he did, he found out that it felt really good and he couldn't stop himself from gulping the remains. Seeing Abel drinking the wine greedily, Mr. McCray couldn't hold himself back as he begin to laugh.

"one minute ago you are refusing to drink it and the next minute you cant let go of the cup even when there was nothing left inside the cup" said Mr. McCray.

"I want more" orders Abel as he stretches the cup forward for Mr. McCray to pour him more.

"hold it right there boy, although it is good to always nourish your body once in a while but don't overdo it, or do you want to get addicted to it" reply Mr. McCray with a frown.

"What happened if I get addicted to blood" asked Abel.

"Once you get addicted to it, you will be no different from that werewolf that almost took your life" replied Mr. McCray.

When Abel heard that the monster that attacked him was actually a werewolf, he couldn't help but open his mouth in shock as he said.

"I can't believe that all this mystic being that I have only seen in movies truly exist".

"We do exist and you have to be careful about the others especially the werewolf who are our natural enemy now that you are a vampire" advice Mr. McCray

"Got it. Huh it is getting really late and my mother would be very worried that I haven't returned home" said Abel as he turned to leave but before he could go, Mr. McCray stopped him as he hand him a ring.

"What is this for" he asked as he looked at it.

"With this, you will be able to walk in the daylight like a human so always remember to put it on and make sure you are always invited into a home else you won't be able to get in which with make them suspicious of you" advice Mr. McCray.

"but it doesn't apply to my home right? Asked Abel.

"you were free when you were still a human but now that you have been reborn as a vampire, you must be invited" reply Mr. McCray.

"This is really becoming troublesome" said Abel with a sigh before leaving.

"Don't forget to drink some blood but not too much okay" yell Mr. McCray as he watched Abel take his leave.

Leaving the tower, the first thing Abel did was look around to confirm where he was and it was like magic as he could see far into the distance and even the roar of some animals couldn't escape his ears. After confirming where he was, Abel took a step as he begin to run but to his surprise, he has covered over ten kilometers after taking two steps as he crashed into a tree.

"I also get enhancement in speed" said Abel happily as he pulled himself from the tree.