The Curse Effect

Seeing that he could also hear him even when he wasn't speaking out loud, Perry couldn't help but ask.

"Do you have all those abilities those vampires had in those movies"?

"I think so" reply Abel with a nod.

"Then if I am not mistaken, you have also drank human blood" asked Perry when it occurred to him that Abel had once told him to go treat himself when he was beaten.

"Yeah I have but I occasionally feed on animal's blood" reply Abel when seeing Perry open his eyes wide in shock.

"This is really insane, how did you end up as a vampire anyway" he asked but this time Abel could see the panic look on his face.

"Can we talk about that later, right now I need to get to Mr. McCray's office before it's time to head back for study" said Abel.

"is he also a vampire like you" asked Perry when he heard him saying he need to go meet Mr. McCray.