Losing Control

Abel went silent when Lydia asked if he has given up but instead of answering her question, Abel turned to look at the ceiling as he took a deep breath before speaking up.

"Is not that I have given up but it would be impossible to find her since she doesn't want to be found out. So instead of wasting our time searching the world for her, we can just take the time to think of a way to slow the process because I don't think I will be able to hold on for much longer if it were to continue".

"You just have to hold on for a little longer, Isabel promise to find her at all cost and I believe she will" said Lydia with a hand on his as she tries to give him hope.

While all this was going on, Mr. McCray has finally made it to Freya's hit but unlike their previous visit, she was inside.

"Let me guess, you have readily located where she is" said Freya when she saw Mr. McCray.