Chapter 43

I had lunch at a restaurant called Oxygen.  It wasn't very pretty, but it was satisfying, and it was the closest place to B!soft.  Since I didn't want to walk too much in the cold, I quickly grabbed a seat and ordered a chicken salad with mushroom and basil sauce and mocha with milk.

  My food arrived within ten minutes.  Before, we called Ezgi and had a little chat.  He was currently hosting a popular auction with a famous company.  He was into paintings and valuables and really loved his job.  unlike me.

  I finished my meal and went back to work.  Everyone was alone and weary of life.  All eyes were on the clock hanging on the wall.  When the hour and minute hands showed seventeen computers were shut down and the workplace was empty within minutes.

  Some agreed for a beer to clear their minds, some took the subway or their cars and left the workplace.