Chapter 64

"I'm coming to see you." 

I jumped out of bed at the sudden message. Although I told Cesur not to call me, he insisted that he would come. 

After a quick shower, I changed into my pajamas with clean clothes. Should I prepare something to eat? I knew you wouldn't eat it, but I took care to be hospitable. 

I decided to make a cinnamon cake. Even if he didn't eat it, I could at least offer it. Maybe we'd have a coffee, who knows? It was too dangerous to come here, though. 

Almost an hour had passed since the message. I had already taken the cake out of the oven and the hot water was ready. I opened the curtain to see if anyone was coming. There was no activity outside. 

"Your eyes seem to be stuck on the roads." 

I jumped out. When I quickly turned around, Cesur was swaying down the stairs. 

"I thought you'd come through the door," I said, ignoring my heart's flutter.