Chapter 28: How predictable

Chapter 28

"I've told you. This beautiful mouth of yours will get you in lots of trouble. It is best you let me tame it." Domenico felt no remorse as he kept stroking her luscious lips.

Amada licked the drops of blood that had appeared on the corner of her lips. The hard slap had made her feel the pain to her core and although tears where threatening to roll down her cheeks she was not going to give Domenico the satisfaction of seeing her break in front of him.

And just like that Domenico, pushed her face away and turned his attention to the group on the other side of the river.

"As I was saying, if it were up to me, I would end you right here and right now, but unfortunately it us not up to me… so sad." His sarcasm could be heard seeping from his wicket tongue. "However, we have in front of us the opportunity for you to prove me wrong. I have come to extend a warm invitation to join us. And not just you lord Ezequiel, but you can also bring your domesticated dogs." Of course, Domenico was not a being who would lose the opportunity to offend. "In fact, any divine being who is tired of living a controlled existence is welcome to join our noble and might I add long overdue cause."

Taking a few steps towards the river, Domenico raised his voice, "Are you not tired of following the stupid rules that this pact has created? Why should we hide who we are? Join us and together we will lead Earth into an era of divinity!"

"What exactly are you proposing? What is your aim?" Charles could not keep quiet. His mind was recking at a hundred miles per hour thinking of the only possible outcome of Domenico's implications.

"What am I proposing? What is my aim? That is easy to answer. Tell me dear pet why should we be forbidden from using our powers? Why do we have to share this world with weak creatures like humans" Hate and spite could be felt from his words. "Join us and together we will annihilate the pest known as the human race and become one superior above all."

"You are talking about annihilating humans?" That is beyond crazy!" Jozeph was shocked to his socks. He could not believe what he was hearing. How can anyone think of killing an entire race and do so with a smile on their face.

"Crazy!? Crazy is trying to control who we really are because of them. Crazy is having to share our home with them. They do not deserve life, they cheat, lie, ra*e, and destroy everything with a smile on their face. Annihilate you say well the answer is yes. That is the plan."

"And you still think you are better than them? Listen to what you are proposing?" Jozeph was still in an apparent shock. Just like many other before him he had promised to protect the world of men, to protect the peace on Earth and today he knew that it was the beginning of a long challenge. "And then what? We kill every single human until there is no trace that they ever existed. But then what? Are you telling me that you believe angels and demons can share this planet peacefully? All of you gather here open your eyes. Today the order of the day is to kill humans, but what about tomorrow? Who will be next? Angels? Demons? The only law that has worked is the balance and this is the law that shall remain!"

"Stupid Angel and your old ways," Domenico retorted back, "I knew this was a waste of time, but once we get our hands on the divine dagger, I shall prove that we do not need the likes of you!"

"Blasphemy!" Tobias was the first to respond reaching for his sword only to be stopped by Ezequiel who stretch out his arm stopping his man from getting any closer to the river and to Domenico.

"Save your energy. You will need it in a minute," Ezequiel said without taking his eyes away from the fallen angel across from him. In fact his sight became sharper and deadlier, "So then, that is your plan," Ezequiel stated with a tint of sarcasm and ridicule. "How predictable."