Chapter 40. Grandma Chiyo's House

Entering the village environment, several villagers passed and greeted Grandma Chiyo. Not a few of them were seen judging Ara, looked very curious but none of them asked about the identity of the person who was with the old woman.

This was the first time that Granny Chiyo had brought someone with her, of course, there were a lot of questions popping up in people's minds.

Entering a very small courtyard, Xiao Ara could guess that the house in front of her belonged to Grandma Chiyo.

The smell of herbs carried by the wind wafted faintly, looking to the left and right, she could find a small field filled with vegetables, in the middle there was a large tree that was so dense and shaded the roof of the house, dry leaves filled the ground and in some parts seemed to pile up.

It was very clear that Grandma Chiyo had never cleaned her yard, however, the atmosphere was comfortable and cool.