Chapter 156. Xan Jhi Mountain

"What about your punishment?" Zhang Jiangwu asked.

Hao Chu smiled wryly.

"Training with Mr. Hao Chu is indeed a suitable punishment for you," said Zhang Jiangwu; he could understand the meaning of his friend's smile.

Hao Chu sighed harshly, "And doesn't that apply to you too, Your Majesty?" Hao Chu replied while rubbing his non-itchy nose.

"It's up to you," Zhang Jiangwu replied nonchalantly.

The man walked into a small room. In that room, there were many kinds of swords, neatly arranged and filling the walls. The blades are a collection belonging to Mr. Chou.

Indeed, the middle-aged man was very fond of swords.

Until a few minutes later, when the atmosphere was light, Mr. Chou had just arrived.

Zhang Jiangwu and Hao Chu immediately took a stance in the center of the field.