Guilty Pleasure (NSFW)

Author's Note:

This is the first NSFW chapter for this book. This chapter includes a depiction of sexual advances under influence of substance/drug, and not fully consensual sexual activity, so read it at your own discretion.


Jeanne came in with a bowl of cold water and continued to cool down Keiko's fever. She could vaguely hear Keiko talking in her sleep, but Keiko's voice was so small and gibberish that Jeanne couldn't hear what she said clearly.

Without warning, Jeanne suddenly felt a hand grabbing her arms strongly, causing her to let out a little yelp. There was only Keiko and her in this room, so obviously the culprit was Keiko.

As she was about to turn around, she felt her body being pulled toward the bed, and then she sat down on top of the bed beside Keiko, slightly dazed.