Cold-Blooded Demon, Lieutenant General Judas Escarte (1)

A few hours earlier, Jeanne came to the hospital to visit Keiko, but since Keiko was still deep in sleep, she didn't want to disturb and accidentally wake her up, so she left as quickly as she arrived.

Her first stop was the Grandenburg Military Prison in the northwest of Trudheim, commonly referred to as Grandenburg for short.

This was the detention facility for military criminals charged with felonies.

The prisoners here were all soldiers who had committed a serious violation of the Military Discipline Law and were investigated and arrested by the city guards.

Under the judgment of the military court, these people needed to stay in prison for at least 20 years, and many people would never get out of this prison for a lifetime.

Glendenburg was one of the five most terrifying prisons in the Federation, where most of the military criminals of the Western Army spent time being punished.