Escaping From The Death's Jaw

We need backup! We need backup! Lieutenant Lilian Mecha's was hit and now she is surrounded by enemies!"

A distressed voice was coming from the shared channel; everybody's expression turned tense, including Keiko's.

They instantly turned their eyes toward Lilian's direction and saw that her mecha had already lost half of its arm and feet, and the body leaned over at the drawbridge's edge, clutching at the guard rail tightly to support its body while its remaining hand was swinging the high-vibration saber frantically, trying to fend off the enemies.

Keiko also noticed a wave of ripples undulating on the waterway surfaces where a large black shadow was lurking beneath it. It seemed that the one who destroyed the mecha's limb was ready to make its move once again.

Leoz and Keiko were the two closest to Lieutenant Lilian's position. But, Leoz was still engaged with a group of Zerg, which prevented him from quickly going over to help Lilian.