Yggrdrasil City (2)

It had been three months since she came into this world. She had been to the wilderness, to the field base, and had also stayed in the western city of Valhalla and the first military city, Trudheim. She finally stepped into the main city, Yggdrasil, the center of human civilization in this era.

Yggdrasil as the largest city in the world was astounding in terms of size, population, and economic strength. The former megapolitans, such as New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Beijing, were far paler compared to the city's brilliance. The majesty of Yggrdasil's main city was comparable to the reputation of a country.

The streets of Yggdrasil were very distinctive, and the architectural styles were very mixed. They were roughly divided into Western classical architecture, modernist architecture, and Chinese classical architecture, as well as buildings built by descendants of various countries in the Middle East, West Asia, and Southeast Asia.