General Richard Barton

"I don't expect that General Barton will be here. I'm really honored to see the general's prestige today," said Jeanne, smiling.

"Hehehe..." The old man chuckled, "You little girl really can play. You already knew I was here."

"How come? I'm just guessing. Now that it's confirmed, I'm relieved."

"Oh? Why are you relieved?" The old man raised his gray eyebrows and looked at her.

"Um... glad our Armstrong finally get rid of Smith, the cunning and poisonous snake?" Jeanne replied in a relaxed and pleasant tone, almost merrily.

"Hehehe..." The old man laughed again, leaned back on the back of the chair, and pointed at Jeanne with his finger, but did not speak.

Mo Qingshui still stood at the door with a smile on her face but did not approach.

The old man's attention shifted to Mo Qingshui and waved his hand at her.