The Play (2)

The black-clothed assassin was actually Keiko in disguise.

She leaped out of the window, quickly turned over and ran a few steps, and then climbed up the wall again, like a gecko crawling on the wall.

She went back to the previous study room, jumped in, and locked the window from inside. Then, she wiped off any traces left behind, took off her shoes, grabbed them in her hands, quickly escaped from the study room, and sneaked back into the storage room to switch her clothes.

All this happened in a pitch-black environment, but she could do it easily as in daylight with her excellent night vision.

Keiko undressed her black sweater and sports trousers, wiped the dagger on the clothes, and put it back into its scabbard.

She straightened her shirt, fastened her tie, draped her military jacket over her body, fastened her armed belt, and attached her saber back to the belt. Lastly, she swiftly put on her military boots.