The Armstrong Residence (1)

Jeanne stood in front of Keiko in a snow-white dress. Her untied wavy chestnut hair fluttered in the caress of the wind. Her slightly wet and pinkish lips curved upwardly, pictured a smile so enchanting it could turn all living beings upside down.

She just stood there quietly, looking at Keiko sweetly, not speaking, not moving.

Keiko wanted to call her name, go up to hug her, and kiss her. But her body disobeyed her, frozen. She could only stand still and look.

Then, Jeanne went closer, and her slender fingers stroked Keiko's cheek gently. Keiko felt a warm shiver through her body. A soft and warm feeling intertwined with an intoxicating fragrance, bewitching Keiko to turn her head at this very moment and engrave her very own mark.

At this very moment, she felt her heart soften, melting like sugar in the midst of the boiling passion.

The gentle hand traced her chin, lips, and then… pinched her nose mischievously.