Voting Goal (May 2022)

Looking at two previous months, I decide to cancel the weekly PS voting goal for this month. 

The remaining goal:

Golden Ticket Goal, Gift's Appreciation, and rewards:

1 Extra Chapter for every 25 Golden Tickets. Reaching the top 15 in male lead's Golden Ticket Ranking = 5 Extra Chapters.

As an appreciation for the reader who gives the book gift, there will be an extra chapter(s):

Magic Castle = 1 Extra Chapter and the gift-giver will be mentioned in the chapter

Spacecraft = 3 Extra Chapter and the gift-giver will be mentioned in the chapter

Golden Gachapon = 5 Extra Chapters and the gift-giver will be mentioned in the chapter

And I'm sincerely sorry for the error in Privilege this month. The highest privilege stated that it'll allow you to read 10 more chapters but in fact only 8 more chapters are provided. This was my error. I forget to change the privilege titles when I edit the privilege before. Please kindly understanding.

Subscribe for a privilege, even if it's just the most basic option. It'll only cost you 1 coin but you could unlock 2 more chapters in advance. Not a bad deal I may say. To make it more exciting I'll make a target out of it.

1. more than 1000 privilege chapters unlocked before the end of the month = mass release of 5 chapters at the end of the month.

2. more than 5000 privilege chapters unlocked before the end of the month = mass release of 10 chapters at the end of the month.

3. more than 10.000 privilege chapters unlocked before the end of the month = mass release of 15 chapters at the end of the month plus a special price for privilege next month.