She Pulls the Trigger

While Keiko was confronting Sarah, inside the command car, Robert smashed his earphones to the ground furiously. His usually elegant and refined appearance was now like a raging lion out of control.

"Who?! Who the hell dared block the city guards' command channel?! Father will never do this!" He roared at the officer beside him, "You hurry up and go back to Smith's mansion to check!"

The city guard officer who received the order responded in a panic, then quickly got out of the command car and immediately rushed to Smith's residence with a small group of people.

At the same time, inside the study in the Smith Mansion, a man's figure hung on the chandelier, swaying back and forth lifelessly. Under his feet was a chair that had been kicked over. The bearded man's face was bruised, and white foam could be seen in the corner of his mouth. His eyes were wide open and nearly popped out of their sockets, as if he had never seen that death was coming.