
"Do you know her?" Keiko asked Jeanne on the way back to the room.

"She?" Jeanne tilted her head and asked, "You mean the hermit?"

Keiko nodded.

"I don't know, but I think I've seen her somewhere." Jeanne pondered for a moment and then speculated, "She must have had a good relationship with my father because my father trusts her unconditionally."

Keiko nodded thoughtfully. It seemed that Jeanne felt the same as her, proving that the familiar feeling she got from the Hermit was not an illusion.

Arriving at the door of the room, they saw the little girl at the front desk waiting at their door with a dining cart. Seeing Keiko and Jeanne come back, the little girl blushed shyly as she spoke to them.

"Hello, miss Jeanne and miss Keiko. I'm bringing you dinner. Once you get the identification badge, you can go to the dining hall on the third floor for dinner."