Oli swallowed saliva while looking at the portal in front of him.
"It's a portal, am I right? Yes, that's right! It's a portal!" Oli waited a few more minutes to see if the portal would change, but unfortunately, it didn't.
"Haaa, so, probably no monster or anything will emerge on the portal?" When Oli was sure that everything was safe, he slowly approached the portal to look and observe it. He first went to the back of the portal, but when he saw that the back was the same look in the front, he returned in front of the portal to continue to observe.
Again, all Oli sees is darkness inside the portal, and no matter where he looks, he still doesn't see anything, only dark. The area around the portal radiated a faintly green color.
Out of curiosity, Oli slowly raised his hand and, with his finger, he tried to poke the inside of the portal to find out what would happen.
Oli was amazed at what he saw because it was like water Oli's finger just pierced through it. He immediately withdrew his finger to see if something had happened and if it had changed but, when he saw the same, then he put his whole hand next.
"Wow! Cool!" Oli looks like a child who got the toy he loves while examining his hand.
"Wait, I need to experiment with what else can enter here, and if something enters, will it come back or not?" Oli hurriedly looked for something that could be inserted and placed on the portal. And on the side of his desk, Oli saw the old pair of shoes that no longer used. Oli took his old shoes and stood in front of the portal.
"Hooo, let's see what happens," Oli said and tossed his shoes at the portal and, as happened to his hand and finger, like water, the shoe just pierced through the portal. Oli waited for a few minutes to see if his pair of shoes would come back, but after a few minutes, no shoes came back.
"HAHAHA shit?" Oli looked like a happy child with what he saw.
"Ok, an object can enter adequately. What about the person? When I tried to insert my finger and hand, nothing happened, and I also felt nothing strange. Can I enter the portal? What if I can't go back? What if it's dangerous? Darn it! Like hell! As if someone will be worried and look for me if I get lost!
Oli just shrugged it, and due to the adrenaline rush, he immediately jumped right on the portal. Not knowing that action will lead to his success.
And in the forest, in the clearing, stood a young man with his eyes closed. Oli slowly opened his eyes and was amazed at what he saw.
The forest was vast, consolidated, and ancient. Its canopy was, claimed by birch, cedar, and beech, who supplied sufficiently openings for daylight to pass down for a plethora of herbs to maintain the layer of leaves below.
Curling stems slumped from most trees, and an array of buds, which asserted remnants of sunlight, supplemented the otherwise vast topography.
A mishmash of animal sounds, mostly belonging to birds, reverberated through the atmosphere and almost totally softened the sounds of water in the lake. And sometimes, in the distance, a faint animal roar can be heard, with the infrequent sounds of cracking twigs because of another larger animal which illumed up and added harmony to the forest.
"Haha haha HAHAHA YAHHHHHH!!" Oli was overwhelmed and couldn't stop himself from being overjoyed, so he just shouted.
"I'm safe. I got through the portal safely! Nothing happened to me!" Oli loudly said as he looked at himself to see if anything had changed to his body and, he looked at the portal behind him to see if it was still there but, he was surprised to notice that it was gone.
"What th--."
*Rustle Crack Crack Rustle*
Oli couldn't finish what he was going to say when he heard the rustling leaves and the sound of the trampling branch.
Oli slowly turned his head at the source of the sound and swallowed a whole bunch of saliva.
What he saw was a pair of two red-eyes looking at him, and when it emerged as a whole, Oli shivered at what he saw.
A black bear, standing with its two feet and, it is enormous, it's two times bigger than the regular bear and, it has a spiked-horn on its head that whoever or whatever it struck, surely it will be a skewer. The black bear looked at Oli while drooling.
One could tell that it hasn't eaten yet, and based on its actions, it looks like he has already seen his dinner-- it's Oli.
And only now did Oli realize the mistake he had made. In an unfamiliar place, it is wrong to shout and speak loudly, especially if you are in the forest because you do not know if any is lurking and waiting around so that it can attack and jump on you.
Then Oli noticed that the black bear began to get on all fours, getting ready to charge towards him Oli, estimated the distance between him and the bear it was 50 meters and, for Oli, it is rather far but, for the bear, it is like taking two steps.
Oli didn't waste a second and started running to the tall tree behind him.
*Roar Roar*
The black bear shouted a roar and began to charge towards Oli. When Oli heard it, he immediately ascended to the big tree and clung to one of its branches like a koala.
When the bear reached the tree, it looked up and, when it saw Oli clinging tightly on the branch, it started shaking the tree to knock Oli down. When Oli felt it, he tightened his grip on the tree.
And the battle of attrition began.
It is almost 15 minutes since the battle began, but for Oli, it's like a whole day. The reason is simple if he accidentally loosens his grip, he will become food for the bear.
And the bear seemed to get tired of shaking the tree and realized the bear was wasting time with Oli, and it started to turn around and started walking away.
When Oli saw it, he released a deep breath and began to relax a little bit. He waited a few more minutes before he got down and, when Oli was sure, he carefully got down and sharply surveyed his surroundings.
And when he was sure everything was safe, Oli dropped his shoulders and released another deep breath.
"What the heck was that?! Is that a bear? But why does it have a horn on its head? The hell, where is this place? Damn! It is too much fantasy!"
"This is not what I read in manga, manhwa, and novel! Where is the city? Village? Town? Kingdom? What if I've ported to the most dangerous place in this world?! Damn!"
While talking to himself, Oli notices something on his west side, 5 meters from him. It is faint, and there are bushes around, but Oli was sure that it shines shiny. Oli got up and stealthily moved to the source of vague shine.
When he arrived, he slowly removed the bushes and, when Oli saw what the source of the faint shine was, Oli was surprised by what he saw!
It is a pure gold nugget!
Oli was surprised by what he saw, and he slowly lifted it to look and observe the nugget closely.
"D-damn!?" Oli feels a mixture of shock, joy, nervousness, and fear.
Oli was shocked because why there was a gold nugget here in this vast forest, gold is one of the most expensive and valuable minerals on the Earth.
Happy because if he sells this gold nugget, he will get a lot of money.
Nervous because if he sells it, he might question where Oli got it, and he might even accuse of being a thief and a swindler.
Fear because Oli doesn't even know how he could come back again in his world. He had no idea how to open the portal or whether the portal would still be open.
*Rustle Rustle*
Moments later, Oli heard rustling leaves again. He immediately put the gold nugget in his pocket and looked at the source of the sound.
Dropping his shoulders, Oli just said, "You've got to be kidding me."
From the bushes emerged a pack of black wolves, and the number is freaking twelve!
The pack of wolves slowly approached Oli, but now he select a stupid course of action. He runs away from the wolves. What will the wolves do? Of course, they will chase Oli.
While running, Oli used and said different words like 'Abracadabra' 'Open sesame' 'Alohomora' to try to open the portal, but despite that, nothing works.
Oli looked back to see if the wolves is still chasing him and, to his displeasure, yes!
Oli was sure that he could not outrun the wolves. He was tired from work. He and the bear battled in attrition, and now this. Playing tag with the pack of wolves, but when the wolves reach him, he will become food!
Oli put his finger with a ring in his mouth and said, "In my room!"
After he said that, the portal suddenly materialized again in front of him and, when he saw it he quickly jumped on it.
Oli fell on his mat and, when he noticed he was in his room, Oli wanted to jump for joy but, before Oli could do anything, he saw that the portal was still open.
Unlike when the portal first opened where only darkness could see, now he could see the other side of the portal and, when he saw the wolves still approaching, he immediately put the ring to his mouth and said, "Closed the portal!"
Before a wolf could jump on him, the portal was immediately closed.
Oli was just dazed while lying on his mat, thinking about the events that happened to him.
It's been two weeks since Oli first opened the portal and got to the new world.
Nothing strange has happened in the last two weeks. Oli sold the gold nugget without a problem, so he has the money at his disposal now.
Unlike his first run in the other world, where Oli doesn't prepare, now is different.
Oli packs the goods: foods, water, flashlight, and other necessity on his backpack.
Then he picked up the two homemade bamboo pikes. He took a deep breath then said...
"Open the portal!".
Then he said that the portal opened once again, then he slowly walked through it.
When Oli opened his eyes, he saw a familiar place. He was still in the forest where he last opened the portal. He immediately readies his pike if anything jumps on him like the last time.
But unlike before, everything was quiet, and Oli released some tension because of that. When he was about to walk away, he heard someone talk.
"Young man, where are you going? Are you lost?" Oli looked at the one who spoke. He saw an Elder man.
"Hohoho seems like you lost, young man."