First, Let's Do Agriculture

It was seven o'clock in the evening when they finished distributing the food to the people in Leefside village and when Oli was able to return to his room to rest. Oli first felt when he entered the room was the pain in his back, legs, and feet. He goes back and forth on Earth and the Continent, including that he observes everything people do because in case they make an error, he corrects it immediately.

He wanted to rest but didn't know but, he wanted to read the book he bought. Oli is not intelligent and, he also knows very little about Earth history so, if he wants to know or wants to learn something Oli, will read it. The first thing he wanted to know was the book he bought because if he remembered correctly what his history teacher had taught them, the Industrial Revolution was one of the focal points in the history of humankind.

"All you need to know about Industrialization."

Oli read the cover aloud, then he started flipping the cover then turned it to the table of contents. It is natural resources, technology, transportation systems, then Oli turned to the first page of the book and started reading it silently.

It is, all things considered, agriculture considered as the foundation of the economy. It shapes the reason for food and nourishment security and gives unrefined raw ingredients to industrialization.

Industrialization is the cycle by which an economy is changed from a fundamentally agrarian coordinated in light of the manufacturing of merchandise. Human labor is regularly supplanted by motorized large-scale manufacturing, and craftsmen are supplanted by mechanical production systems.

It must always be remembered, that agrarian or agriculture is the foundation of a powerful and successful economy of a Country. Lack or insufficient food will weaken the productivity of everyone even if the labor force is substituted by technology it still needs an operator to operate a machine to be used.

Agriculture plays a critical role in each Country in the world to ensure the food is sufficient and the people living in each Country are receiving the right nutritious food on the table.

In Industrialization, manpower is vital. Every factory needs manpower by all means possible to produce many process goods as much as possible.

In the Middle Ages Era, most men were in the military-a soldier, or a serf, and serf was bound to a hereditary plot of land and the will of his master. By far, most serfs in medieval Europe got their resources by developing a plot of land that was owned by their master.

So, industrializing the agriculture sector is the first step to achieving full industrialization throughout the Country. Developing new farming strategies and improved livestock breeding led to boosted food production.

Oli read silently, then he flipped to the next page to continue.

These are the equipment's, strategy and machine that help to fully industrialize the agriculture sector.

First is the strategy called the four-field crop rotation system. This strategy or technique is designed to feed a large population. The arrangement of the four-field crop system is wheat, turnips, barley, and clover including, a fodder crop and a grazing crop, allowing livestock to be bred year-round. The four-field crop rotation became a vital pivotal development in the British Agricultural Revolution and, the cycle between arable and ley is sometimes called ley farming.

Next is the most vital part of agriculture, the irrigation pipe. Irrigation supply pipe is for watering systems used for farming and also being used to carry and distribute water all-around the farmland. With irrigation pipe, farmers will no longer suffer from manual watering allowing a small number of farmers to manage the farmland and, the rest will work for the factories.

A grinding mill is a machine that shatters solid raw materials into smaller fragments by pulverizing, granulating, or cutting. Usually, the purpose of the mill is to create flour out of wheat to start the production of bread, cakes, biscuits, and other edible products.

Lastly, one invention that would change the essence of farming was constructed at the end of the Industrial Revolution - the tractor. Tractors would proceed to replace the horse and oxen that had been key to farming for multiple thousands of years. With tractors plowing, farm transport, planting, cargo are can easily do.

Oli finish reading and closed the book, he then look at his wrist watch, it is past 8 o'clock in the evening.

"The book is right. The self-sustaining country is powerful and contributes a lot to the economy. When the people are always fully fed, the productivity rate is high and, if you look around the Leefside, it is visible that this village's primary source of income and food is farming because of the size of the land but I hope there is a nearby river to easily connect the water source to farmland and, install an irrigation pipe. I can also introduce the four-field crop rotation system to the farmers because it is sure to be that the harvested crops will be plenty."

Oli said aloud while thinking what will he do next about the immense land outside the 40-acre land territory of Leefside.

"Okay, that's it for today. Tomorrow will be a very tiring day. I really hope that there's a river nearby."

Oli said while opening the portal to back to his room to sleep.


Oli got up early so he could start what he was going to do. When he got back and left the room, he heard metal playing because curious what it was, Oli immediately followed the source of the sound.

What Oli saw was, Zion and his three sons, who were training with the sword, a sword fight training. They were wearing brown shirts and loose pants and, above all, they were using real swords. Oli, on the other hand, was swallowed a whole bunch of saliva when he saw it because one wrong move or parring away would lead to injury or stab by the sword.

As he watches the four while training, Oli could can see that they are very proficient at handling and using swords. When they noticed Oli watching them, they immediately stopped and greeted Oli.

"Young master, good morning. It's a bit unusual that you wake up early." Zion said as he wiped away his sweat.

"Hahaha, you know, I'm temporarily replacing Elder Alfred as a chairman. So I have a lot to do today. I hope I don't interrupt your training." Oli replied.

"I forgot that you temporarily replaced Elder Alfred. Don't worry, young master you are not disturbing our training. Do you want to join? From what I can see, you have the body of a soldier." Zion said.

"Ahh, I can't hold a sword and, I can't keep up with the training you're doing. I also don't want to fight." Oli answered while shaking his head left and right.

"Is that so? But you can't tell every situation. There are times when you have to hold and lift the sword to fight for what should be and, there are also situations where fighting is the only way out of the problem but if you change your mind young master, just say it. I'm ready to teach you anytime." Zion said while smiling.

"Thank you. I'll remember that." Oli said and walked away to leave the father and sons so that they can continue the training they are doing.

It's no wonder if Oli doesn't want to hold a sword or join the training or Oli doesn't want to fight. Oli was born and raised on Earth, whose era was peaceful and serene. That, in case there is a misunderstanding, it can be resolved, through calm and peaceful, discussion. Far, from in times when war was like a daily routine.

Oli then goes to Elder Alfred to consult and ask for advice about his plan in agriculture in the village. When Oli explained the benefits of implementing such a plan, Elder Alfred was shocked and couldn't believe what he heard so, he immediately agreed with Oli's plan. Even if Oli is the temporary chairman, he always seeks Elder Alfred's advice in anything. Nothing beats the experience of the Elders in life.


After Oli and Elder Alfred talked, they immediately went out and went to the house of the leader when it came to farming. When they arrived at the house, they saw a middle-aged man named Jose. When Jose sees Oli, he immediately freaks out and doesn't know what to do. All the people in the Leefside see Oli as their savior and, a hero so it is only a natural reaction for the ordinary individual living in the Leefside with doesn't have much interaction with Oli.

They also calmed Jose down for a few minutes before he finally settled down. When everything was okay Elder Alfred ordered Joseph to get all the farmers because Oli wanted to say some good news. Jose took a 15 minutes to gather all the farmers throughout the village.

"Young master, Elder Alfred, I'm sorry, I don't have anything to offer you." Jose said while bowing his head.

"That's okay Jose, that's the reason I am here today." Oli said to Jose then, he looked at the all farmer that gathered in the house and continued speaking. "What to do think about your current situation right now? The situation of your family?"

"Somehow, we'll be able to survive because of you young master. With the food you provide." Someone answered.

"Correct. WITH the food that I provide but, what if I suddenly die? Or leave? How do take that?" Oli asked the question but, the farmers inside the house remain silent and, don't know what to answer.

"Are you going to go back to the day when you and your family live and struggle like some sort of animal? When I first came here, all I can see was thin and malnourished people living here but, now all I could see is average people because we are far from being excellent and, I know the way how to be excellent. A way where you and your family can't be hungry again, that you could eat three times a day, maybe four or five times a day, that every single one of you, a father, can give your son or daughter something to eat if they asked you. That there will be no more skinny and malnourished people living to hear in Leefside, there will be no one will die off because of starvation. Tha--."

Oli couldn't continue because Jose interrupted him.

"I don't want to see the children die because there is to food to eat. I don't want to go back in the life where I dig and sort the scraps just to find some food to eat and, yes, I want to eat five-time--no, eat as much as I could. So, whatever is your plan, young master, I will follow you. I will follow you even in the depth of underworld, I pledge in the name of Chronos."

When Jose said this, a golden chain sprang up from the ground and bind Jose's body. Oli didn't have time to react because all the farmers also started to swear and, then many golden chains emerged from the ground and bind them.

When the golden chain disappeared, starting from Jose, all of them began kneeling in front of Oli and then said, "We pledge in the name of Chronos."

Oli was flustered and didn't know what to do and what to say because the situation was a bit unusual and too fast to happen. Oli just wanted to help the people of Leefside to not be dependent on him and to become a self-sustained village but, what is this development? Oli didn't know or hear about this from Elder Alfred and Zion. He looked to Elder Alfred requesting help but, the Elder was just smiling at him at the corner.

With this, Oli got his first subordinates. Subordinates that will become the backbone and foundation of his future Empire.
