
"Lady Suri, the pipelines are now completed. The pipes only need to be inspected if they are properly aligned."

Oli and Suri looked at the man currently wearing a construction cloth from Earth. From hard hats to safety shoes, they are fully geared to avoid accidents while working.

"O-okay... I-I'll check it later, okay?" Suri.

Oli shakes his head when he sees how Suri act. Although the shyness of Suri was gradually disappearing, she was still Suri. The shy one.

"Y-young master... W-where do we put the blocks which are taken from the storage house?"

"No need to be tense... Ease up. Well, you can put the blocks where they are badly needed and line them up so the workers can easily get the blocks." Oli replied.

Currently, Oli and Suri are in the tent, which serves as the command post of the ongoing construction in the Leefside village.

It's been three weeks since Oli announced the human migration move they needed to do. And the twenty-five residents, which are named as the originals, quickly do the job Oli assigned to them.

And after one week of being gone and doing the jobs assigned to them to make, the originals came back one after another with people in tow--the residents in their target village.

At first, Oli was happy at what transpired he could finally implement the plans in his mind with the help of these people, but the happiness is only for a moment because that happiness was turned into shock.

Because the people that the originals brought in the Leefside village have a minimum of fifty people and a maximum of hundred people.

That's the reason why Oli was shocked. It's not been so long since the raid. By now, each village should be exhausted and residents taken by the raiders. Oli was not expecting this kind of number to arise as Oli was only expecting at least a hundred people.

To make it short, the people that the originals persuaded were all the survivors of the raid. Oli didn't ask how they survived as he considered it rude. After the people pledged their loyalty to Oli, he welcomed them with open arms.

Currently, the population of the Leefside right now was at one thousand, which is five times higher than the original population of the village, which is two hundred.

Zion also added when Oli and Zion welcomed the new residents. This thousand population may increase when they also target the village located further in the Xara and Xoxo country. But for Oli, this thousand population is enough for a moment.

In the three weeks that had passed, they already finished a ten two-story apartment with ten rooms that could typically be seen on Earth.

The two-story apartment was made of blocks, enforced with concrete and metals with aluminum roofs to ensure stability safety, and not quickly destroyed by heavy winds or rains.

This is the first time Oli used the materials stacked up in his construction business.

Oli was also having a hard time accepting the speed, endurance, and efficiency of labor that the residents do. They finished the ten two-story apartments without the help of heavy equipment machinery in three weeks.

Oli concluded that maybe that is one of the perks of having a dwarf on his side. Despite the appearance of Suri, she was so good at managing and commanding the people when working. She was like the conductor in an orchestra.

Oli looked at Suri, who was looking at the new blueprint Oli brought up, she was mumbling some words, but most of them were praising Oli. Suri still thinks that Oli was the one who made the blueprints that they used.

'Should I tell her that the blueprints are from the internet are not made by me? Maybe next time... I should ask her what reward she wants.' Oli thought.

"Y-young master!" Someone called Oli outside the tent.

"Come in." Oli.

When Oli said it, a group of five men came in with Viron on the forefront. Oli looked at the other four, and if he remembers correctly, those four were with him when he first went to the Lapin Kingdom. Their names were Moris, Lev, Joseph, and Sanell. Like Viron, they all have brown hair and a body size suitable for their age.

Also, they are included in the originals.

"Y-young master." The five greeted Oli.

Oli looked at the five with a confused face. Oli also notices that not only the new residents but also the originals were acting tense in front of him. And the only ones who are not uneasy with Oli are Suri, Zion, and his family.

"Viron... Ease up, will you? Do you need something?" Oli.

"Uh... Actually... I-I heard from Noah..." Viron.

'Noah? Zion's second son?' Oli thought before speaking. "What you heard from Noah?"

"T-that... You are planning to recruit and enlist some people to make an army. We were hoping if we could join..." Viron said carefully, not to sound rude to Oli.

"Hahaha, so Noah ran his mouth again... Well, that's the initial plan. I was planning to recruit the first fifty people. They're going to train by Zion. After that, we will repeat the process until we form two battalions. Anyone can join, even a woman. The announcement regarding this matter would be released after the current construction was ended. You could enlist after that." Oli.

"Is that so? Thank you, young master!" Viron said, and after that, the group quickly came out of the tent.

Oli took a deep breath after the group came out. Now he finally felt the heavy responsibility of being the Chairman. He needed to organize everything so that process would go smoothly without any problems. Not that Oli doesn't want to do it is just that management and organizing are not the forte of Oli.

'Haist... Should I take a secretary or something? Someone who could assist me. If this continues, I think I would not going to last.' Oli thought while having a slight smile on his face when he felt that someone was looking at him, only to find Suri.

"Suri? What is it?" Oli asked Suri.

"E-eto... What is this, master?" Suri asked while pointing one specific blueprint.

Oli looked at where Suri pointed and said. "Hmm? That? That's the plan for our new home. I was planning to build one and preserve the castle as that's the only remaining standing on the original building here on Leefside. I also want to see that as a cultural heritage." Oli.

"But I was thinking to change it as I think it is too much grand," Oli added.

"I-Is that so, master? Then master... Can I have it? I-I was thinking if I could use it as a reference." Suri.

"Huh? Yes, you could take it. If you think that some materials are going to help you, take them. No need to ask for it. At the end of the day, you and the village are the ones who are going to benefit from that." Oli said to Suri, and Suri only nodded her head with a slight smile on her mouth.

"Come on. Let's walk and look at the works of workers." Oli.


The two begin their strode in the village. Oli had a small memo and pen as they walked to write something if there was a problem that needed to address immediately.

And the moment they started their walk, Oli listed the first problem on hand. The pathway.

Oli kneels on the ground the feel it.

The pathway was currently composed of dirt and rugged soil. Oli finds it uncomfortable to walk, even if he already introduced slippers. And it may cause hindrance to everyone's daily lives.

For example, it rained. The pathway may turn into a muddy path, causing some problems, especially in logistics.

"Let's continue." Oli.


The two continued their walk until they arrived at the construction site.

When the workers noticed their arrival, they kneeled greeted Oli and Suri. Oli greeted them back and signaling to ease up and stand up while Suri was hiding in the back of Oli. greeted

Soon after that, Haka and twenty men arrived in front of them, and when they arrived, the twenty men also began to kneel and greeted Oli.

"Young master! We appreciate your visit!" The men said in unison. These twenty men are skilled builders from the Xoxo Country.

"Guys... I always said you don't need to kneel whenever you saw me." Oli said, and he looked at everyone, then he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"B-but, if we do that, it's like we're showing we don't respect you. Young master, you fed us, give clothes, and now a comfortable home. You give all of us new hope. You are our savior, so please, let us do this." One of the men said.

Oli just sighed and signaled to ease up and stand up. After that, he asks about the report of another ten two-story apartments.

Haka gave Oli the report. "Young master, at the current pace right now, we estimated that in four to five days, we can finish it and starts to make a new one. That is, as long as the materials needed for the construction are well supplied.".

Oli nodded his head when he heard the report. Oli then looked at the complete ten apartments.

'We can paint it to have a good look, but we can do it for later. We needed to finish the construction first so that the people can move out in a much more comfortable home.' Oli thought.

As for now, all thousand people were currently living in a tent with their families.

At the moment, Oli was not assigning who was going to move on to the newly built apartment to avoid a rumor that may arise that he favored someone. That's why he needed first to finish all the apartments before all the new residents could move.

Oli then glazes at the distance, then Oli writes the second problem in his memo.

The walls.

But Oli can't just take some wall blueprint on the internet. The blueprint should be much more detailed and well made.

The wall that will surround Leefside village should be strong and robust enough to resist and defend against any attackers on any side.

And before that happened, Oli needed a skilled architect to make the wall blueprint. There's only one person right now that can help Oli to find one skilled architect.

With that in mind, he said goodbye, so he could do it right away what was in his mind.

Oli and Suri began their way back to the castle.

As for Oli, his Chairman life right now are only practice for what's to come.