Untitled II

"Because of the petty reasons of yours, you fuckers attacked our town?"

"Yeah." The Boss casually said.

"And you are the next..." Killer said, then he walked towards Oli, but this time, the Boss didn't say anything or stop Killer from doing so.

Oli didn't say anything and just waited on what was about to happen to him. Oli was sure that will suffer the same as Rex suffered, but Oli didn't care.

His eyes were long dead and lifeless ever since he witnessed the brutality of the situation that occurred on the Leefside. The inhumane treatment.

Killer grabs Oli, and Oli lets Killer grab him and throw him to the ground. Oli landed in the frontal position and in spread arms and legs.

"Tsk! What are you?! Are you accepting your death easily? TSS, you're boring as fuck!" Killer kicks Oli on the stomach cause Oli was twisted in pain.

"But that's okay. There's no human.. Or even heretics that would endure the pained that they will experience just like my other victims! KUHAHA! And this time, you would become one of them." Then Killer gets the dagger that dangles on his waist and lightly horizontally cuts the right cheek of Oli.

Oli gritted his teeth as he endured the pain the Killer made when he cut Oli's cheeks.

"SEE?! KUHAHA! You cannot endure the pain that I will inflict on you! KUHAHA!" Killer.

'This is it? Is this how I am going to die? But I hadn't done anything significant yet! I still didn't achieve what I wanted! I...' Oli thought.

Oli's assumption was correct as he saw Killer readying his sword. He was going to butcher Oli the same in what he did in Rex.

Then out of nowhere, he remembers what the Boss told him, that he is the one who made all of this. The culprit of all of this.

Then, Oli suddenly remembers the faces of the residents. From the cheerful smile of Rex, the caring smile of Siv, and the happy smile of all the residents made ever since Oli became the Chairman of Leefside village.

He remembers how he warmly welcomes all the residents when Elder Alfred introduces him to the residents. He remembers the happy face they made as they tasted the food they never tasted before. The pride and happiness they made when they and Oli built a new home for them and introduced the new farming method that the residents would do to achieve a self-sufficient village.

He remembers all the things they encounter. The hardships. The happy time. The treatment of being a family member. And that family--big family are now raped and brutally killed in front of Oli.

The people who made him feel like he's one of them.

The people--.

Oli stopped the stupor of his when he heard a very familiar voice. A voice he fully knows. The voice who guided and greeted him first when he first came here in Chronos--in Leefside.

"Young man Oli are you tired? Why are you lying and sleeping outside? You're going to get cold if you do that... Even if you have a cure to that. The Chairman needs to be healthy and well all time as we don't know when a problem would occur. Just like the situation right now. So, stand up, young man!"

"Elder Alfred..." Oli.

"Who is this old man--." Killer didn't finish what he was about to say when Elder Alfred quickly shot an arrow. And Killer immediately deflects it using his sword.

"I remember him... He's the Chairman of this village. He and another man confronted us from the previous Raid. Where's your dog?!" Boss

"Hohoho... Are you looking for Zion? Hmm... I wonder... But one thing is sure... He's out there hunting the rest of your people." Elder Alfred.

"This fucking old man! I will surely fucking kill you!" Then the Boss pulls his sword from his sheath and charge Elder Alfred.

The confrontation between the Boss and Elder Alfred began. The Boss cut horizontally, vertically and stab as he attack Elder Alfred but he easily and relaxing deflect all the attacks that the Boss made.

Oli couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. Elder Alfred was very proficient in sword handling, just like Zion. His move is graceful that if not because of the current situation, it could consider as a performance. Elder Alfred did not seem old in his actions.

"KUHAHA! That old man is much more exciting than you! I've decided! I will kill first that old man!" Killer said, then immediately jumped and ran where the two were fighting.

"Wait--." Before Oli could react, Killer was long gone in pinning him down.

"Hohoho... I'm still popular even at this age... But sad to say, not in women... Hohoho." Elder Alfred said when he noticed the running Killer.

"FUCK! KILLER! DON'T YOU DARE TO INTERRUPT ME WITH THIS!" The Boss shouted but seemed didn't hear anything and continued to run in their direction.

With that, the two versus one started, but even if that's the case... Elder Alfred was still in the upper hand as he easily deflected and repelled the attacks the two made.

Oli becomes dumbfounded once again, but when he sees his peripheral vision of the body of little Rex, Oli drags his painful body to go near it.

"This old man is so..." Boss when his attack deflected once again.

"KUHAHA!" Killer keeps attacking Elder Alfred all over again, even if his attack is getting parried all over. still

'Tsk! We can't kill the old to in what we're doing now. We need some distractions to make... That would be...' Then the Boss looked at Oli that currently walking slow to go into Rex's body. 'If this man said earlier that he is the Chairman... That means he's the successor of this old man. Then..."

Boss grabbed the crossbow hanging on his shoulders, loaded it with an arrow, and pointed it to Oli.

When Elder Alfred noticed it, he was about the warn Oli, but he failed. He forgot that his enemy is not only one but two. "Oli! Watch--."

"KUHAHA! Wrong move old man! You got distracted in the middle of a battle!" Then Killer stabbed Elder Alfred in the abdomen, causing Elder Alfred to puke a large amount of blood.


*Cough Cough*

Elder Alfred knelt because of the mortal wound he received from the stab Killer made. He gritted his teeth as he endured the pain. Then, using his remaining strength, Elder Alfred ran through Boss and collided himself in the body of Boss to divert the focus of the crossbow to Oli.

Elder Alfred achieved what he intended to do before the arrow was released on the crossbow. It became out of focus and strayed on its actual target. achieve

"OLI!!!" Elder Alfred shouted on top of his lungs.

When Oli heard it, he looked at it, and as if in slow motion, Oli saw the arrow that came through him and hit Oli's wound on his right cheek, causing the wound to deepen further.


Oli stopped on his track and held his right cheek that right now, blood was dripping.


Oli gritted his teeth and looked at the culprit who caused his wound to deepen. Then saw Elder Alfred kneeling on the ground while holding his stomach. Only then did Oli realize that Elder Alfred got seriously injured because he saved him from the arrow hit.

Again, there's a pang of guilt sprouting on Oli's heart because of what transpired.

"WAHAHA! You've done it again, little Chairman! WAHAHA!" Boss said while wickedly laughing. "It's your fault why this old man had a deep wound on his stomach! WAHAHA!"

Oli looked at the kneeling Elder Alfred. Unlike earlier, where he got a calm and relaxed expression when fighting, now he has a tired and pained expression. Even if he moved like a proficient young swordsman, no one could argue that Elder Alfred was still old.

"You know, old man. Our previous confrontation made me a lot of losses in people because of you and your dog... But right now, I am a victor!" The Boss then stabs the right chest of the kneeling Elder Alfred.

But Elder Alfred made no sound of pained. He just gritted his teeth, enduring the pain.

"Oh?" The Boss said amusingly.

"It's my turn now..." Killer. Then he positions his sword at Elder Alfred's shoulders.

When Oli saw it, he got only one thought in mind... 'He's going to cut Elder Alfred's entire arm!' Then he looked at the butchered body of Rex. He remembers the face of Siv. He remembers the bodies of the residents lying on the ground, lifeless. Then he looked at the leaders of the culprits that caused all of that.


Giving up on his pent-up angered and hatred, the portal suddenly opened in Oli's back, and Oli sucked into it.

Then the portal opened instantly in the back of Killer, and Oli jumped out on the portal with a bamboo spike in his hand and stabbed Killer powerfully on the shoulders causing Killer to drop his sword and scream in pain. Then he sucked up again on the portal.

"What sorcery was that?!"Boss yelled as he couldn't see or react to what happened. Then he readied his sword as he knew he was next.

And his prediction was right... The portal opened on the top of his position, and like what happened on Killer, Oli jumped out on the portal and stabbed attacked Boss while shouting "Shinee!"

But honed and experienced so many battles, Boss instinctively reacted and jumped sidewards, but Oli's action was preceded Boss' action, so Oli hit Boss' left ear, and it popped off because of how to force Oli put on the stab.

"ARGH!!" Boss screamed in pain as he held the left side of his head that was now earless.

Then Oli landed on the ground with his two feet bent down his head while the portal was open behind his back.

It causes Boss and Killer to scare the hell out of them!

Oli now was on berserk mode! What leads to it is what he experienced and saw today. He couldn't believe that a human could do all of this! First, slavery, now this! They are worst than scum!

"HIIIIKKK! I didn't take this job to face this monster! Fuck the Supreme Pontiff and Confederation and their backers!" Boss.

"Boss! Let's retreat! We can get back on him with a lot of forces!" Killer.

Then the two started to retreat while struggling to run because of the wounds they got from Oli. To Killer, it may take a lot of months or maybe a year before it completely healed, and Boss, it may be healed, but his left ear cannot be put back.

Only when the two were gone did Oli come to normal. His powerless body drops aloud on the ground. When Oli woke up, he could only remember one thing he could open the portal anywhere Oli wanted as long as he could see it.

But there are another two people aside from Killer and Boss, who would not forget what occurred at the scene.

Elder Alfred, who is currently on the brink of death, managed to see and watch the scene.

The same goes for the man that is currently on the dark side of the bushes, Zion, who was holding a whole bunch of Raider's heads, and he was bathed on their blood. Zion rushed to the scene when he heard the shout of Oli. Zion thought Oli was in danger but what he saw was a bit different.

With that, a new chapter and journey will start in Oli's life, but this time, it will be a whole lot different. He will make sure a retribution to the one behind this massacre.

And adding a new principle to Oli's life. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." A retribution would surely come.