
After a riveting time during our entrance ceremony, it's time to get into the place we'll be spending the next year in. Our classroom, aptly called room 1-4. It's a simple classroom, like the others. But at the end of the day, it's my classroom.

"Hello everyone." Right now, it's time for student introductions. It's my turn and there's not really much for me to tell anyone about myself. "I'm Hideumi Osato, let's all take care of each other." We'll all be in the same class for a long time. So I know it's important we treat each other well. Almost like a family. That's what Juria taught me when I was much younger.

"Hey." Taisei taps me on the arm after I'm finished with my introduction. Fortunately we get the opportunity to sit next to each other. When I look over at him, he points somewhere towards the front of the classroom. So of course I take a lot at what he's pointing to, which is a girl who's looking right at us. When she realizes I know she's watching, she quickly turns her head back to the teacher. "Looks like someone's already popular."

"What are you talking about?" That smug smile on his face doesn't fill me with confidence. If anything, I think it's filling me with suspicion. "I think you're always overthinking these things." He's always teasing me every time a girl seems to notice me. Which, unfortunately, happens a lot. I can't tell if he's just having fun or if he wants me to get a girlfriend eventually.

"So, it's nice to meet you…"

"I'm glad we get this change to talk…" When our first break period rolls around, there's already a ton of girls hanging around our desks. Taisei certainly seems pleased with this situation, but I don't really care for it myself.

"So, are you going to be spending lunchtime here?"

"Hmm?" Someone's already asking me about where I'm going for lunch. I can tell where this is going after the countless times I've heard that question. "I was thinking of meeting up with a friend for lunch." I respond.

"What?" I expected those next words. What I didn't expect was who it would be coming from. "Are you seriously thinking of eating lunch with Juria." When he said that, a lot of the enthusiasm from some of these girls died down. They all looked down towards the floor.

"Who's Juria?" One of them asks.

"She's his sister." I answer. "And I've lived next door to them, so she's a good friend of mine." I also add in that she's a second year student at the school. So that's why I can't just stick around down here.

"Come on, we shouldn't bother her." Taisei argues with me. I'm caught off guard that he of all people don't want to be with her for lunch.

"I thought you would want to go?" I respond.

"It's not like I dislike my own sister." His face grows red as he scans his eyes across the girls with us. It seems like he's trying to get a gauge of their feelings to our conversation. "But she has her own friends, you know? And we can't always cling onto her. We're too old for that."

"I… See." My hands rest onto the table, with my head turning down a bit. I was so excited to be able to see Juria at school again like we used to. That I didn't realize the two of us weren't on the same page. A poor assumption on my part.

"Hey listen…" He leans into me, keeping this next bit of our conversation private from the girls around us. "Just stick around here for lunch, okay? I promise I'll make it up to you." Don't know why he's acting like I'm doing him a favor here, but I won't deny an opportunity to get one from him in the future.

So that ends up becoming out lunch plans for the day. We're some pretty popular guys here already with the number of people hanging out with us. Unlike before, there's also a fair number of boys with us getting real buddy-buddy. Specifically with Taisei because he declared his intentions on joining a sports club. With his talent, I think any team he joins has a real chance at a championship.

Meanwhile I feel like I'm being flooded with girls. Sure, there's only about five of them here, but they're suffocating. There's a ton of questions asked about what school I went to before, what my interests are, and some even asked if I had a girlfriend.

I hate to sound arrogant, but I know what they're looking for. It seems a bit egotistical, but I'm aware of my good looks. At least, I assume that's what they're mainly interested in, seeing as they didn't know me before approaching. This line of questioning seems more aggressive than what I've gone through before. Perhaps they felt a bit threatened because I mentioned Juria? They shouldn't be worried if that's the case. She's just a really good friend to me. If anything, I view her as a big sister.

"Hey Osato." One of the boy calls my attention. "Are you thinking of joining one of the sports clubs?" Taisei mentioned my name as potential candidates to them, so now they're on my trail. While I'm nowhere near his level, we're both aware that I can play along and be a solid teammate. I also think he brought me up because it would be cool if we both played together. To be honest, I've considered the thought as well. So I wouldn't mind spending my high school days playing alongside my best friend.

Of course, me being on a team likely would influence his decision on where to go. So now I've got a bunch of guys asking me to join their club. What a bother. I'd like to be able to make the choice without so many people trying to convince me. If I were to play on a sports team, then it should be a sport I enjoy. Like baseball or basketball.

Thankfully, I do get respite from all this chaos due to lunchtime ending. If there's one way to get people to not talk to me, then it's the fact they can't due to seating arrangements. Meanwhile, Taisei is a bit disappointed it's over for now, but he's happy to have received a ton of paperwork by the sports clubs trying to recruit us.

"It's so cool, isn't it?" He whispers over to me as class gets underway. "A lot of people already like us and it's just the first day." Well, he is right that is a good thing we're liked. I'd hate to be hated. That said, I am a little disappointed I wasn't able to do what I planned on doing during lunch.

"Say, when it's second break…" With that in mind, I think it's time to cash in that favor he owes me.

"Yeah, yeah. When it's time for second break we can go see Juria."

"What?" I can't believe it. How did he know that's what I was going to ask. Can he read minds!?