
I can't believe they're talking about me of all people. It's not a surprise that it's these two, but I would've thought they'd talk about this somewhere else, not at school. Anyway, it's too late to think about that part of this situation. It's more important for me to listen in on them now.

"He's a good boy, I've pretty much known him all my life." Juria continues to defend my honor. I find myself rooting for her, but I'm not sure how much of that is just because I'm being bad talked about someone else.

"That's how a lot of people are when they're younger." Hinae counters back. "You think we all keep acting like children when we get into high school?" While I don't know much about the experience at this age, I do wonder if there some truth to it. I've seen plenty of shows with bullies, but that's not any different than what junior high also had.

"Well, no... I know that." Her change in tone in making that statement worries me. She's on the back foot now. "I mean, everyone's got friends they lost connection with growing up." That's also not good to hear. I hope something like that doesn't happen between me and Taisei. We've been best buds growing up. So separating during high school would be depressing.

"More importantly, you already know this yourself." Hinae doesn't seem pleased despite currently winning this battle. At least I know it's not because of her personal satisfaction in being right. She doesn't want to be right, but still wants to confront the truth. "He's a popular guy, isn't he?" No clue as to why she seems to be aware of that. I guess Juria might've told her. Either that, or apparently everyone around me just seems to know things for no reason.

"Yeah… He did tell me there were a lot of girls who talked to him yesterday." Juria confirms the truth, which I did admit to. "I've seen a few of them thanks to Taisei. A lot of them are very pretty girls." She's not wrong about that either. Even though I'm not interested in anyone right now. There are a ton of cute girls in my class.

"And you even tell him that he should date one of them." I swear, this girl just knows everything. "Now, there's nothing wrong with supporting him. But don't you think that one day, he'll finally grow up?" When she says it like that, I don't understand where she's taking issue with me. Sure, I might be a bit naive, but like she says. I will mature by the end of high school. At least, I hope so. "That one day… He'll stop and wonder why you two are friends."

"You don't need to say it like that." Now Juria's completely defeated. She's lost all sense of fight in her. For a moment, it's quiet between the two. I have to be careful with my breathing. Their arguments gotten me worked up a bit and I'm trying to keep calm to not give away my presence. "But… I think he's different." Finally, I hear her speak once more.

Once again, she's gotten a second wind from what seemed to be a sound defeat. "Hideumi… If you really think he's going to turn out bad, then could you say it to his face?" Ha, that's one way to take out a bully. There's no way Hinae would be brave enough to insult me.

"Pretty easily, actually." On second thought, maybe I don't want her to insult me to my face. "I already have, seeing as he's eavesdropping on us right now."

"Huh!?" Uh oh… Busted. "Hideumi!?"

"H-hi…" Gingerly, I reveal myself as I walk into the classroom. "I-I'm sorry." As soon as I get up to them, I immediately bow down and beg for forgiveness. "It's rude of me to spy on girls."

"Hideumi…" She gives me a pat on the head. "It's okay, but how much did you hear?"

"He's been here since we started talking about him." Hinae answers. That was the beginning? I thought I came in mid conversation. Guess they were probably hanging out with their friends for a bit before coming here for some private talk. "That should be proof enough that I don't mind letting him know how I feel."

"Since I am a part of this now." I speak up with a slight quiver in my voice. I hate to sound afraid of this girl standing before me. Especially since I'm much taller and bigger than her, but she's pretty scary. There's not a hint of fear coming from her, so it's already a losing battle. "Maybe you can tell me why you're so worried?"

"It's simple." She explains to me her viewpoint quite clearly. "I don't care that you think you're not going to abandon Juria. I just know that you're going to change just like everyone else."

"Don't take her personally." Juria tries to keep me calm, even though any lack of calmness coming from my end certainly isn't due to anger. I'm still afraid this girl is going to hit me with something I can't possibly defend against.

"You're still holding back." Hinae says to her. It doesn't sound like a question, but more of a statement about something between them that I don't know about. "It might be personal, but I'm not against telling him what happened to me…"

And there she tells the story about what happened to her just one year ago. Hinae also had a childhood friend that she grew up with. Really, who doesn't? Anyway, back on the story at hand. After some time had passed, it seemed as though he had gotten really popular. One wouldn't hope that she would be as well, but that wasn't the case.

In the end, that boy is no longer her close friend that she thought she knew growing up. He's not even a friend at all anymore. It was less of a matter of falling out due to an argument or fight. More so they had drifted apart quickly in less than the span of one year.

"I'm so sorry that happened." That's all the response I have for the tale she just told me.

"Why? You didn't do anything bad to me." She replied. Her lack of emotion about something so personal sends chills down my spine. Did she make peace with it so easily? Or rather, has she closed off her heart? "But I know how much Juria cares about you. You know, she talks about you a lot."

"Ah geez…" Given Juria's reaction and growing red face to me being told that. Something tells me that was supposed to stay private.

"You two keep thinking I'm some kind of downer, but I'm just being realistic."

"What makes you think I won't be different from that guy?" I ask. I've spent the last year waiting to get into high school so I could be with Juria again. I seriously doubt I'm going to change my mind so soon after finally getting what I want.

"It's not just you." She answers. "Everyone changes in high school. I'm not saying it's entirely a bad thing but… It's just a part of growing up." That's the warning she leaves for me.