
This is bad, this looks really bad. I don't know how it looks to him, but I can only imagine the sight we're giving him. How else would it look to see your best friend laying on top of your sister on her bed?

"Ah, I see…" He gently pulls back on the door. "Looks like I'm interrupting something."

"Wait a second!" Finally, I get off of Juria to go stop him. "It's not what it looks likes, This is just a misunderstanding." It's painfully clear what this would look like to an outsider. Come on, me over her in her room when we believe ourselves to be all alone. Anyone would assume that we were going to do something couple do. Thankfully, given that he's not trying to knock me out. I'm glad Taisei doesn't believe I would ever consider doing anything inappropriate without her permission.

"What are you so worried about?" I jam my foot right before he closes the door. It hurts so bad that I can barely speak now. "I know you might think I'd get mad. But honest, I wouldn't be upset if you were interested in Juria." What is he talking about? Why wouldn't he take issue if his best friend were to attempt to woo his older sister. I've seen so many overprotective siblings in media that it also seemed he would also be like that.

"You wouldn't?" I respond, curious about his feelings. Not that his opinion would change. As I'm fully aware, this is just a massive misunderstanding.

"Sure, some people might be worried. But it's not like you've ever done anything bad before." This boy is too lackadaisical about this. "I guess all my joking about it with you probably made you think I thought it'd never happen."

"Taisei." Juria speaks up. She unruffled her outfit from the tumble I took on her as she walks to the two of us. "There's nothing between me and Hideumi." That big sister energy radiates from her as she speaks in a commanding tone. She always uses that tone whenever she's scolding one of us. "It's not that he's trying to hide something. We only ended up in that position from bad luck."

"Really?" Taisei releases his grip on the door. Which also frees my foot from all this pain. "I suppose if that's the case, then it's fine too." He breathes a sigh. I almost want to call it a sigh of relief, but it doesn't come across that way to me. If the circumstances were any different, I'd call it one of disappointment. Is that how he feels about the idea that we're not getting together?

"Anyway, since you're home a little early. I should get dinner started." Juria walks by the two of us out of her room. "Hideumi, thank you for coming over. But I think you should head home now." The cold manner in which she treats us in that moment. It fills me with dread. I'd hate to think the two of us would upset her, but that little debacle certainly lead to this mood.

"Taisei, I'm sorry." I grab my bad and begin to make my way for their front doors. He's following me so that he can see me out. "Even if you don't take issue with it. That was inappropriate of me to do that to Juria." I know he didn't notice me taking a good look at her sister in that way. I wish I had a logical explanation, but nothing could excuse my behavior. In that moment, she was helpless and I took advantage of it. I think that's why she's upset with me.

"Hideumi, please tell me…" He stops me right before he closes the door. "Is there anything wrong with the idea of going out with Juria?" What's up with these two lately. Ever since I've gotten into high school. They seem more interested in my love life. Maybe Hinae was right all along.

"I'm sorry Taisei." I continue to walk away and towards my house. "I can't answer that question." Right now, I can't tell him how I feel. To be honest, I don't even know how I feel. What kind of question is that to ask your best friend? Maybe he just wants to protect his sister's pride. That the idea of dating her isn't a bad thing.

As I eat dinner with my family, I'm awfully quiet. There's not much I want to say to my parents, not with this weird tension going on between us. All I have are thoughts running through my mind keeping me occupied. It's hard to ignore it, since I'll probably have to deal with it tomorrow in the morning. A part of me almost wants to forgo the routine I've grown accustomed to over these years. But I can't do that. Doing something like that would certainly cement there really is something wrong between us.

"Did you have a fight with Taisei?" My mom asks. Of course she would be aware that I'm not in my usual mood. Even though I can't remember the last time I had a disagreement with Taisei. Still, it's the first place my mother always goes for, since it would be a big deal to me if it happened.

"Not really…" I answer. "We didn't argue but… There was a misunderstanding where he thought I made a move on Juria."

"Hmm, never took him to be the type overprotective of his sister." My dad comments. Am I the only one who thought he was going to get mad over it?

"It's not that." I correct him. "He seemed a bit disappointed that wasn't the case." I wouldn't say he'd celebrate the idea of me and Juria being a couple, but he looked like he'd be pleased with that result.

"It must just be that he really wants the best for her." My mom offers a possible explanation that makes sense. "He's known you all his life and you're best friends after all. So if he wants his sister to have the best boyfriend possible, then I think you'd be at the top of that list."

"I get what you mean." I wouldn't put myself up that high on a pedestal like he or mom are doing. Though it does make a lot of sense. He trusts me a lot, just like I do for him. So on his list, I'd be at the top of potential candidates for Juria.

...How could I? To not answer his question in the manner I did. I really did just disrespected his feelings right there. All he wanted was assurance Juria wasn't the problem. I was so scared about affecting our friendship, that I ended up doing just that anyway.

"Though speaking of Juria." I don't like the tone or look on my dad's face right now. He's always got this smug aura about him when he's about to tease me. "What do you think of her? She's grown up to be a good woman now. I'm sure that you've begun to notice the differences between you."

"Dad…" I nervously bite my chopsticks as I talk to him. My cheeks heat up on the thought of her again. "We've grown up next door to each other. We're just childhood friends, that's all."