
"What are you talking about?" Is this some kind of twisted joke? We've only just met. Who does she think she is, trying to tell me what I can and can't do? I've heard about this in fiction. Is she one of those stalker types? "This is crazy, I'm leaving now."

"Wait!" I'm barely able to turn around when Koiki grabs onto my arm with her full strength. It's not enough to stop me if I wanted to keep going, but I can tell she's putting a lot of effort into it. "Please, just hear me out." As much as I have my doubts, I'll continue to entertain her for now. At least she doesn't appear dangerous.

"Fine." I shake my arm, getting her to let go. "Then why shouldn't I?"

"Well, you like that Juria girl who's in the grade above us, right?" Do I really give off that impression to everyone? Why do people continue to think I like her in that manner? "As a friend, I mean." Thankfully, she corrects herself without me needing to say anything. "She's someone you respect a lot."

"Yeah, what does she have to do with me dating other people?" I ask.

"I've heard a lot of gossip lately." She answers. "A lot of girls have been talking mean behind your back about her. They don't like how you… Are so interested in a girl like her." My mouth drops at her revelation. To think there are those who are so hateful on Juria. I kind of expected it because of the scar, but I didn't think so many would be so rude. "Even my friends have said hurtful things about her." The way she hangs her head and grabs her arm during her admission tells me she feel bad because they're her friends.

"Thanks for letting me know." I breath a slight sigh of relief. She doesn't appear to have any bad intentions. So I can let my guard down a bit. "are there any who aren't so mean?"

"Not everyone talks bad about her." She answers. "Of course, it's not like I listen in every conversation. So I can't tell you for certain." I can live with that. It's already more than above and beyond what I'd expect a stranger to do for me. "I just figured it's better if you already knew about it before anyone confessed to you. I was just a little worried they'd try to lead you astray." Hinae mentioned that fear too. Perhaps it truly is something I must pay greater attention to.

"Can I ask something else?" I reply. "Why are you telling me this?" It seems she's telling the truth. At least I hope she's not trying to deceive me. However, what does she gain from this? We aren't friends, so I don't know why she would care so much for someone who's basically a stranger. We aren't even classmates.

"I'll be honest. I kind of was admiring you from a distance." Was this a ploy to get me to like her more? It certainly would have some personal benefits. "That was when I noticed you seemed to hold that Juria girl in high regard. You seem like a kind person. So I'd hate if you got stuck with a bad person."

"I see…" I guess I do make it a bit too obvious how much Juria means to me. It likely looks strange to most people my age, when I think about it. "But you're not interested in me?"

"You're cool, but… I think you should go out with Juria." Sheesh, again with people wanting me to date her. I would feel more annoyed by it if… If I wasn't already conflicted with that moment we shared yesterday. Can I even say it was platonic? when I couldn't get my eyes of her? When I looked deeply at her, her face, her body… Her lips? "I guess you're still a little naive, but a lot of girls take what you do to mean you're interested."

"Well, thanks for the advice… And thanks again for telling me the truth." I bid her a farewell and head down the stairs. Koiki seems like a nice person. If we see each other again, I wouldn't mind becoming proper friends with the girl.

I've delayed it too much now, but I really need to talk to Juria. I hate that she's upset with me, but it doesn't aid me now that I'm feeling a bit worked up myself. I tried not to show it too much to Koiki, but it makes my blood boil to think of people hating on Juria.

It's not her fault she looks like that. And it's certainly not her fault she's good friends with me. Whoever are talking poorly of her, they just don't see what I see in her. All that is making me want to kick something, so I kick the wall as I walk outside of the school.

"I guess it didn't go too well?" A voice says to me, which causes me to jump backwards in fear. I shouldn't be afraid, but it's hard not to be considering who it belongs to. That being Hinae.

"Were you waiting for me?" Of all people, I didn't expect her to be here.

"I had an idea of what that was going to be all about." She was aware that I wasn't being confessed to. Which is why she stayed around. "Her brother told Juria what he thought was going to happen."

"Well, how did she take the news?" I ask. Whatever her reaction is, that's going to shape how I approach her when I get home.

"You know how she is." She replies. "She smiled and said she was happy for you." That's Juria for you. She must've figured I'd take her advice and accept regardless of my feelings. So that I could give whoever the girl in her mind was a chance. "But I know her better than that." However, Hinae's followings words send an arrow through my heart. "She acts happy because she wants you to find a good girlfriend."

"Acts?" Why would that be what she's doing. Why wouldn't she just be normally happy for me if that's the case. "You're saying she wouldn't actually be happy if I got a girlfriend?"

"Yes." She answers, cold and calmly. "I know her better than you think I do. And I know she's in love with you."